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105 - Planning your workflow
Manuel da Costa avatar
Written by Manuel da Costa
Updated over a week ago

Now that you have set up your projects and workspaces, the next most important part is planning your workflow and information structure within the workspace.

Proper planning is crucial as it will help you find answers in your knowledgebase easily.

There are two platform concepts that you must know about before you start adding ideas and experiments.

  1. Templates - These are the structures that define how your information will flow from one stage to the next (ideas to experiments etc), and what information needs to be entered. Templates control how you prioritise your ideas, what fields need to be populated in each stage etc. It ensures standardisation for all team members using the platform.

  2. Tags - Tagging allows you to categorise your information so it can be found easily. Tags exist in nearly all stages of the platform and allow you to categorise what you're testing, where you're testing it etc. Read more about tags and how to set them up correctly in our detailed guide.
    ​Read more about tag setup and governance

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