Add a quiz

Test your team members' knowledge with quizzes.

Updated over a week ago

Providing team members with information is important, but wouldn't it be useful if you could also test team members on their knowledge?

In Eitje, you can create as many quizzes as you want in a theme. Team members will then have to answer these questions when they start the training of that theme.

How to create a quiz

  1. Go to Training

  2. Click on Handbook

  3. Go to the theme to which you want to add a quiz

  4. Click on Create

  5. Select 'Create quiz'. A pop-up 'Question' opens

  6. Insert the question

  7. Insert the answer options. You can add more answer options by clicking on the + next to the last answer option

  8. Select the correct answer option by clicking on the checkmark next to it

  9. Click on Submit

Video explanation

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