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Load template

Have you saved a template and do you want to use it? Learn here how to!

Updated over 5 months ago

You created a template and want to load it in the schedule.

You can do this by clicking 'Tools' > 'Load template' in the top right corner. Or you can do it in the following two ways:

โš ๏ธ Note: If there is a conflict between the template and the availability of your team members, you get a warning.

Load day template

  1. Click on the little arrow next to the day on which you want to load a template.

  2. Choose 'Load template'.

  3. Choose the day template that you want to use.

  4. Choose if you want to load the shifts with the team members or just the shifts, so they become open shifts.

  5. Choose the day(s) on which you want to load the template.

  6. Click on 'Save'.

Load week template

  1. Click on the little arrow next to the week in which you want to load a template or on the button 'Tools' in the upper right corner.

  2. Choose 'Load template'.

  3. Choose the week template that you want to use.

  4. Choose if you want to load the shifts with the team members or just the shifts, so they become open shifts.

  5. Choose if you want to load the template per week or month, then choose the week(s)/month(s).

  6. Click on 'Save'.


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