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Settings for time registration
Settings for time registration

Read more about the different settings for the time registration.

Updated over 7 months ago

It is important that you configure the settings for the time registration correctly to prevent things from not going as planned.

⚠️ Note: The settings apply per venue. If you have multiple venues, you must set this up separately for each venue.

You can find the settings in two places:

  1. Click on 'Hours' at the top and then on 'Settings' on the right.

  2. Go to the menu in the top right corner > Venue Settings > Settings for time registration.

  1. Time registration actively in use: By default, when you create an account with Eitje, you are in the Hours package, and time registration will be enabled. If you do not wish to use this feature, you can turn it off. This makes the hours page disappear, and you will enter the Intro package of Eitje. Read more about the prices. If you want to reactivate it, you must do this by clicking on the menu in the top right corner > Venue Settings > Settings for time registration.
    ⚠️ Note: Only team members with the 'Admin' role can activate/deactivate the time registration.

  2. May team members submit their own hours: This button allows your team members to change the hours worked after their shift finished. This also applies for clocked hours. They can only change these hours when the shift was scheduled ánd the status of the hour entry is 'Planned' or 'Pending'. They cannot modify approved hours. When you activate this option, a new option will be added (see 6).

  3. Allow team members to add hours: This button is turned off by default. When this is enabled, team members can also submit hours when they are not on the schedule. Convenient for team members who jump in at the last minute.

  4. Clocking out automatically at: The set time also ensures that team members who have forgotten to clock out through the clock system are automatically clocked out at this time to prevent the clock from continuing to run. Many companies work through the night. So 00:00 is often not the real end of a day. Therefore, this is set by default to 06:00. You can, however, disable this setting. Read more about it in the settings for Eitjeopdevloer.

  5. Start date of time registration: This determines the date from which hours are registered. All hour entries before this date will not be visible in the registration.

  6. How long do team members have to submit their hours: If option 3 is enabled, this option is added. This determines how long after their shift team members can submit their hours. The options are: 24 hours / 48 hours / Always.

  7. How far back may role: Write Hours: Do you want to make sure that nothing changes in the time registration? Then you can set configure options 7 and 8. If you enter 4, for example, team members with the role 'Write Hours' may only modify hour entries that have been added in the past 4 days.

  8. How far back may role: Approve Hours: See option 7, but this is for team members with the role 'Approve Hours'.

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