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What is Beast's position and fines for driving under the influence (DUI)?
What is Beast's position and fines for driving under the influence (DUI)?


Beast avatar
Written by Beast
Updated over 3 years ago

When using the Vehicle, the User must be completely sober (0.00 per mil) and not under the influence of any psychotropic substances. In the event where the User breaches the any of the restrictions set out in sections 5.1 or 5.2 or grants access to another person to drive the Vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any psychotropic substances or otherwise in breach of sections 5.1 or 5.2, the User must pay Beast a contractual penalty in the amount of EUR 2,500. Further, the Beast shall have the right to immediately suspend the provision of the Services to the User (including block the start of the Vehicle and take back the Vehicle) for an indefinite period.

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