The Enrollee Table ("Enrollees," or whatever you call them, i.e., Students, etc. on the left menu), shows total Enrollments, Accounts, and Enrollees within the selected Location and Enrollment Period, as well as the total of Enrollments, Accounts, and Enrollees in all Enrollment Periods for the selected Location.
The example below shows the following information for the Open Enrollments Enrollment Period in the Alpine Location:
Total of 147 Enrollments
Total of 125 Accounts (out of 151 for all Enrollment Periods in that Location)
Total of 125 Enrollees (out of 152 for all Enrollment Periods in that Location)
Choose "All Enrollment Periods" to view the Enrollments, Accounts and Enrollees in all Enrollment Periods. If any are not showing, they may be one of the following:
Inactive Account - In this case, click on the "Inactive" switch in the upper-right corner
Account/Enrollee with no Enrollment - On the Accounts or Enrollee section, you can select "Accounts/Enrollees with no Enrollments" to view any Accounts or Enrollees that have no active enrollments.
The total number (the smaller of the two) is the total that is in the database, so if that number doesn't match what you can view under each section (active, inactive or no enrollments), then you may need to pull a report to find those Accounts or Enrollees that are not showing. Here are the steps to take that.
Download Reports
Account Export
First, make sure that Enrollsy has unlocked this feature for you. If you want this feature, and it’s not already unlocked, let us know via chat, and we’ll unlock it for you!
The "Accounts Export" report on the Reports page will export all active and inactive Accounts within Enrollsy to a CSV spreadsheet.
Custom Report
Next, download a report of all active Accounts or Enrollees on the Enrollee Table (depending on which one you are looking for). Here are the steps:
Step 1 - Make sure you are in the correct Location (top right corner) and Enrollment Period. Then select either "Accounts" or "Enrollees"
Step 2 - Next, select all the Accounts/Enrollees. Do this by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the select all box.
Step 3 - Scroll back up to the top of the page and click the export icon. This will download all the active Accounts/Enrollees to a CSV spreadsheet.
Compare Reports
Now you can compare the two reports to find the accounts that are not showing in the Enrollees Table.