Important Information about Text Messages
Important Information about Text Messages
You will need to turn on the SMS in your personal Notification Center settings to be notified of text messages.
The Notification Center is your OWN PERSONAL Notification Center. No other Admin User shares that particular Notification Center. Click here to set up the Notification Center.
Messages are received as private messages, NOT group messages.
When a new Customer text message is received, the notification of a new unread message is displayed for all Admins and/or Instructors. The action of one of them marking the message as read does not mark it as read for the other. This ensures everyone can be in the loop on all text communications.
You choose Primary Account Holders and/or Secondary Account Holders to receive messages (that person has to have a cell number in the account).
Account Holders receive Enrollsy texts as actual text messages (whatever they use as their messenger).
Do not use shortened URLs when sending a text message; some carriers will block the message from getting sent, and we won't know it was blocked. However, the shortened URLs from Enrollsy won't be affected because it's a private domain. Click here for more details about sending URLs in text messages.
All SMS notifications will be deleted after 60 days!
All Admin text messaging is done within the Enrollsy app. You can view text messages in several ways.
There are two ways an Admin can view a Text Message sent in Enrollsy:
In the Admin's Notification Center (if already set up)
In the recipient's Account or Billing page
Unread Messages - Notification Center
Unread messages now show up in your individual Notification Center as a red number on the icon in the right corner:
To view the message, click on the bell icon to open the Notification Center. Please see this support article if you have NOT set up your own Notification Center.
You can see the entire text messages and respond by clicking "Dismiss" or "Respond."
Read messages can be accessed in two ways:
Customer's Account or Billing tab/page
Admin's Notification Center
Read/Unread Messages - Account or Billing Tabs
Click on the SMS bubble under the Billing or Account tabs in a Customer's account.
A window will pop up. You can open the Primary Account Holder or Secondary Account Holder SMS conversation here. Or you can send a new text to both Account Holders.
After clicking either the Primary Account Holder or Secondary Account Holder, a text message window will pop up with the history of all text messages sent to that phone number.
Read Messages in the Notification Center
Open the Notification Center by clicking the bell icon in the upper-right corner. If you have SMS as a Notification you want to view in settings; you will see your text messages on the right pane under the "Dismissed" tab.
If you need to turn on SMS texting, open the Notification Settings, scroll down to SMS, and click the box beside "Notifications."
How to send Text Messages
You can send text messages in these ways:
Account/Billing Tab (for an individual Account)
Enrollees Table
Classes page
A/R Aging and A/R Payment Reports
Notification Center
Account/Billing Tabs
Click on the bubble under the Billing or Account tabs in a Customer's account. A text message window will pop up asking which Account Holder conversation you want to open:
Enrollees Table
Choose the Location or choose "All Locations." Under Enrollees, check the boxes beside the recipients, then click on the SMS icon.
A pop-up will ask if you want only to message the Primary Account Holder or both the Primary and Secondary Account Holders. After selecting one, a new window will pop up with the Primary Account Holder's name and how many recipients you have checked with cell phone numbers.
NOTE: If this number is LESS than the number of accounts you checked, someone does not have a cell number, or the format is incorrect.
Here's how this works:
Classes Page
On the Classes page, select the Enrollees, then click the SMS icon. A pop-up will ask if you want only to message the Primary Account Holder or both the Primary and Secondary Account Holders.
After selecting one, a new window will pop up with the Primary Account Holder's name and how many recipients you have checked with cell phone numbers.
A/R Aging and A/R Payment Reports
On the Reports page, on the A/R Aging Report, you can text one (or both) Account Holder(s) at a time (not multiple). On the A/R Payment Reports, you can select various Accounts to text.
Notification Center
If a person has sent a text message AFTER you have set up your personal Notification Center, those messages will either be under "Unread" or "Dismissed" in the text message pane. Click on "Respond" to respond to any text message listed.
Please click here to learn how to set up your own Notification Center.