When you manually or automatically send a Document for e-signature, the message may bounce and be considered undeliverable. This can happen for the following reasons:
The signer's email address is spelled incorrectly
The signer's email address doesn't exist
The recipient's inbox is full
The recipient's email server is temporarily unavailable, overloaded, or couldn't be found.
If this happens, follow these steps:
Step 1 - Contact Customer
First, contact the Customer and verify the correct email address. If needed, update the account's email address on file. Then "Save" the account.
Step 2 - Locate Existing E-sign Request
Locate the Enrollee's existing e-signature request on the Documents page. From Enrollee's detail page, you can go directly to their Documents list by clicking "Documents."
Make sure you are in the correct Enrollment Period, then search the Enrollee's name.
Click on the correct Enrollee on the left, and locate the E-Signature Document that needs to be updated. HOVER OVER the E-signature Document to view the pencil icon.
Step 3 - Change the Signer's Email
Click the pencil icon to change the signer's email address. This will AUTOMATICALLY resend the E-Signature document to the new email address. You won't be charged for a second signature request.
NOTE: Changing the signer's email address will NOT send a new request for e-signature; it will simply resend the existing one to the newly specified email address.