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About Enrollment Periods

Find out how to publish Enrollment Periods and how your setup affects them

Richard Hogan avatar
Written by Richard Hogan
Updated over 6 months ago

Do you require more than one Enrollment Period?

If you have year-round Open Enrollment, you can get away with having just one Enrollment Period. However, it may be beneficial for you to make a different Enrollment Period per year because it will make it easier for you to keep track of separate yearly enrollments.

How start and end dates affect Enrollment Periods

If you have start and end dates for programs or classes and need people to enroll in a specific period, semester, cohort, etc., you can create as many Enrollment Periods as you'd like.

NOTE: Programs created in one Enrollment Period are not visible or available within other Enrollment Periods.

Enrollment periods in Enrollsy

Enrollment Period Options

When you click on the cog icon within the Enrollment Period widget, you need to be aware of a few options. The widget icons look like this:

Each of these options is explained below:

  1. Duplicate - The first icon is the Duplicate icon. This duplicates all settings, including pricing, fees, coupon codes, billing schedules, start/end dates, proration settings, etc., into a new Enrollment period that you can then rename. This allows you to quickly and easily create a new "school year" without remembering how you had everything set up. Modify dates, fees, pricing, or anything else that has changed, and you're all set for enrollment.

  2. Archive - The second icon is the Archive icon. Archiving lets you put past Enrollment Periods out of your view. No data from that enrollment period is lost when it is archived. Archived Enrollment periods will not be visible to you or anyone else throughout the app except in the Archived tab, where you can unarchive them at any time.

  3. Publish/unpublish - The third icon is the Publish/Unpublish icon. Unpublished Enrollment Periods are not visible on the enrollment form. By default, newly created or duplicated Enrollment Periods are unpublished. When you are ready for them to be used, publish them.

  4. Payment Plans - The next icon is the Payment Plans. Enrollsy allows you to add any number of Payment Plans to your Enrollment Periods. Payment plans are payment events that happen on a given date/time. They do not have a price associated with them; instead, they are simply the payment events themselves. Learn more about Payment Plans here.

  5. Edit - The last icon is the Edit icon. This allows you to edit an Enrollment Period by renaming it.

    Enrollsy Enrollment Period Widget

Publish Enrollment Period

After creating a new Enrollment Period, click the cog and click the "eye" to publish it. Publishing an Enrollment Period means it will not be visible on the Enroll Form.

NOTE: No Programs/Classes will show up on the Enroll Form if your Enrollment Period is not published.

Publishing enrollment periods in Enrollsy
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