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How to Attach a Photo to an Activity Form
How to Attach a Photo to an Activity Form

Enrollsy allows you to upload an image to a form that you can then attach to an Activity

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over a week ago

Do you need to attach an image or photo to an Activity? The best way to do that is to attach it to an Activity Form. You can learn how to create an Activity Form here.

Step 1 - Open Activity Form

Go to Activity Forms in My Company settings, and click the Activity Form where you want to attach the photo.

In this example, we're going to use a Progress Report Form.

activity forms in Enrollsy

Step 2 - Add Question Field

Once the form is open, scroll down to the blue plus button to add a new field.

how to add a new field in Enrollsy activity form

Add your photo field. You can ask a question like, "Would you like to add a photo?" or shorten it to "Add a photo?" In that case, you would put that question as the label in a Yes/No field. Click Add, then Save.

add a question in Enrollsy activity form

Next, click on the plus down arrow icon (see below) to add an optional field based on the answer to this question, like such:

add conditional field in Enrollsy activity form

Step 3 -Add File Upload Field

Add a File Upload field called "Add Image" or "Add Photo."

file upload field in Enrollsy activity form

When the field editor opens, under "Visibility," check the box to only show this field if "Yes" is the value. Click Save, and you're done.

visibility field settings  in Enrollsy

NOTE: For this form to appear within the Activity, it will need to be attached to that Activity. To attach this form to an Activity, check out this support article.

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