At the end of the Enroll Form is a button with the default title: "Enroll [name] in another Program?" This button allows the person enrolling to enroll the same student in another Program. It shows up like this on the customer's side;
NOTE: There is currently no option to hide the "Add another Enrollee" that shows below this message and next to "Next step."
Edit Wording
The wording on this button is customizable, so if you want to change this, go to the
Enroll Form (My Company > Forms > Enroll Form). Under Plan Costs, hover over the words, and click the pencil icon that appears.
Edit the wording to your preference, then click the green checkmark to save the changes.
Delete Button
If you want to "delete" this wording, simply click the eye icon to unpublish it and hide it from the Enroll Form.