Need to see a specific set of Charge Items or Discount Items? Follow these simple steps to create a Report:
Step 1- Report Page
Head to the Reports page and click on Charge/Discount Items.
Step 2 - Select Time Period
Choose the time period (dates) you want to view on the calendar.
Step 3 - Select Charge and/or Discount Items
To see specific Charge Items or Discount Items, select the Item at the top then check the boxes of those items you want to see:
Once you have your list, click on the blue arrow under each item to see more specifics.
Step 4 - Export or Print Report
You can export and/or print this report by selecting the icons to the right.
Printing a Report
When printing, you have these two options:
Transactions List
The Transactions List lists each transaction, along with the following information:
TIN/FEIN number (if added)
Company name and contact info
Time and Date of Report
Date Range selected
Customer Name (Primary Account Holder)
Posted date and time
Classification (Company name)
Program Name
Enrollee Name
Type of Transaction (i.e., "Charge")
Item Name
Here is an example of a Transaction List:
Transactions Summary Report
The Transactions Summary Report summarizes the transactions under each Item Type with the associated amounts within the date range chosen. Here is an example of a Transaction Summary Report:
Exporting a Report
When exporting a Report, the following information can be sorted and filtered on the spreadsheet:
Last 4 digits of Credit Card (if applicable)
Transaction Type (i.e., "Charge," "Credit Card," etc.)
Posted date
Private comment
Invoice Memo (includes Coupon Codes)
ACH status (i.e., "Pending," etc.)
Item (Charge Item or Discount Item name)
Classification (company name)
Account email address
Account Name (Primary Account Holder)
Enrollee Name
Program Name
First 10 Classes
Invoice number
Invoice Class name (if the Invoice is for a specific Class)
Invoice Enrollee name (if the Invoice is for a specific Enrollee)
Invoice Class location (if the Invoice is for a specific Location)
Invoice Program (if the Invoice is for a specific Program)
Program Options (i.e, "Program Name," "Age Group," etc.)