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PDF Document Tips & Tricks

Need help creating a quality PDF document for Required or E-Signature Documents? Learn how here!

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over 5 months ago

If you are unfamiliar with how to make a PDF Document, here are some tips and tricks to assist you.

NOTE: For the best customer experience, we recommend that all PDF Documents have a white background. If your existing PDF does not have this, you may need to turn it into a Word Document (if you don’t want to re-type everything, there is a way to do this. See Convert Word Document to PDF section below).

Edit Word Document

You will need to edit your Word Document by taking out items that can be filled in or put in another place, such as:

  • Dates (replace with a line or a blank space)

  • Years (replace with a line or blank space)

  • Tuition Amounts/Rates (these can be included in the Terms & Conditions, but they are also baked into the enrollment process, so they may no longer be necessary)

Re-Organize Word Document

Next, you will need to take out any pages that don’t need to be included or are better suited elsewhere. This depends on the company and its needs, but some examples are Financial Contracts (can go in Terms & Conditions) and Health forms that need a physician’s signature.

Print Word Document to PDF

Now you’re ready to turn your Word Document (or Word alternative) into a PDF with the Print method. NOTE: You can use this method on both Windows and Mac computers.

Open the Document you’d like to print to a PDF file. In the menu bar at the top of the screen, select File > Print. Instead of choosing your printer, click "Print to PDF" to save it as a PDF.

Convert Word Document to PDF

You may want to turn your existing Word Document into a PDF. There are software programs available to do this for free. (HINT: Do a Google search for "convert Word to PDF" to find these programs).

All you have to do is drag and drop your Word file and hit Convert to PDF! After it’s converted, download the PDF onto your computer.

Edit/Re-Organize PDF Document

If you get to this point and realize you forgot to take something out (item or page) or have any other issue, don’t fret! Your PDF Document can be edited, organized, split, merged, or whatever else you need.

One software program that has many free options is Here are some options you have with this software:

  • Edit PDF (add text, images, and shapes; edit the size, font, and color of added content)

  • Organize PDF (sort pages by deleting or adding PDF pages)

  • Merge PDF (combine PDFs in the order you want)

  • Split PDF (separate one page or a whole set)

  • Convert to PDF (convert JPG, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, or HTML to a PDF)

  • Convert from PDF (convert a PDF to JPG, Word, PowerPoint, or Excel)

If you need further assistance on, they have their own user’s guide.

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