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About Enroll Form Field Elements

Understand Fields in Enrollsy's fully customizable Enroll Form

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated yesterday

This article will teach you about Field Elements and their corresponding settings in the Enroll Form Editor. To learn how to customize your Enroll Form, click here.

To get to the Enroll Form editor, click on My Company (person icon in upper-right, then "My Company"). Select the "Forms" tab, then click "Enroll Form."

Once on the Enroll Form page, access the Field Element by either clicking on the cog icon of any already created custom field, or select the plus button at the bottom of each section to add a new field.

NOTE: Default fields do not have the Field Settings that custom fields have. They only have a "Hint" field where you can add another language or other instructions for that question.

A side window will open where you can either create a Field Element or edit an existing Field Element. For the purpose of this article, we're going to show you each available Field Element type as if you are creating it for the first time.

Click on Field Settings to see the Field settings that can be found under most Field Elements.

Field Elements

Under each Field Element are the Field Settings. Most fields are the same, while others have specific fields. The following are each available Field Element you can choose from.

NOTE: When first creating a Field Element, you will need to add a label (usually the question you want to ask) then choose the type of Field Element.


Headers are section words, for example, "Emergency Contact," that go before a new section. You can use Headers to create visual distinctions that separate and organize groups of related questions.

The only settings under Header are the label and field nickname. The field nickname can be a shorter version that shows up when mapping fields to an E-signature Document (if applicable). You also have the option to hide headings in the Customer Portal, Instructor Portal or Enroll Form.

Formatted Content

Use Formatted Content when you want to add a block of text (paragraph or headings) or link. You can also put in numbered or bulleted lists and date & time. The Formatted Content field is the only Field Element that does not require a label.

Once added, you will see a rich text box where you enter content.

Formatted Content in Enrollsy

Clicking on the ellipsis will show the following menu for formatting your text, adding an image, video, or link.

formatting text in Enrollsy Enroll Form

How to Add an Image

To add an image, click on the image icon within the Advanced settings. The image has to be hosted somewhere. This can be in Google Photos (not Google Docs).

Open the image and right-click. Click "Copy Image Address" and paste it into the "Source" box. A size should pop up under "width" and "height." Adjust this to fit the space. (NOTE: If the size does not show up, the source is incorrect.)

Short Text & Long Text

Choose Short Text if your label is a short line (usually under 100 characters). Use Long Text if you need multiple lines to ask the question (character limit is 2000).

Single & Multi Select

Use Single Select if you have a question that requires a single answer. Use Multi Select if you have a question that can have multiple answers. Click on the blue plus sign beside Options to add your options.

A-Z Sort

In this section, you can sort the options listed in alphabetical order.

multi-field element in Enrollsy enroll form

Multi-Field Upload Button

There is also an Upload button in this field where you can upload a CSV document straight into the field. See this article, "How to create a CSV file," for more information.

added a-z sort and upload button in Enrollsy enroll form


Use Yes/No for Yes or No questions (with no other option). If you have a Yes/No question that also needs another option, i.e., "N/A," then use the Single Select Field.


Use these Field Settings for these specific fields. Customers will only be able to put an email in the Email Address field, only a phone number in the Phone Number field, and only a date in the Date field.

Email, phone and date field settings in Enrollsy


Use the Number field if you have something that needs numbers only. This brings up the number pad for the customer, making it easier to put in a number. An example is having a Suite # field.

Use the ID# field if you need to enter an ID number or an automatically generated ID# per enrollment. Switch the toggle at the bottom (see below) to the on position if you need an Auto ID.

suite # and ID # in Enrollsy

File Upload

Use the File Upload field if you need the customer to upload a document to you. For example, say you need a shot record. Add this field, and it will ask the customer to upload the shot record:

file upload in Enrollsy Enroll Form

Field Settings


  • Label - The question you want to ask

  • Long label format? - Long label format goes up to 2,000 characters, but it can be used anytime (for example, if the label wraps on mobile at 70 characters, it might be a good idea to make it a Long label format for aesthetics).

  • Hint - Use this to add more instructions or a different language. This will show in smaller print directly below the label (question).

  • Field nickname - The field nickname can be a shorter version that shows up when mapping fields to an E-signature Document (if applicable). You also have the option to hide headings in the Customer Portal, Instructor Portal or Enroll Form.

  • Required - Switch this on if you want this field to be required on the Enroll Form


  • Max characters - Change this for concise character fields (only for text fields)

  • Select icon - You have the option to change the icon. Search at the top to search through thousands of icon images

  • Desktop/Tablet Width - This is how this field looks on a computer or tablet

  • Mobile Width - This is how the field looks on a mobile device

Other Settings

Other settings Include the following.

  • Not editable by Primary Account Holder - The Primary Account Holder does not fill in the field on the Enroll Form (the field is hidden on the Enroll Form). The Account Holder also cannot edit the field but can view that field on the Customer Portal. This setting is most beneficial for internal fields that Admin users fill out and need Account Holders to be able to view but not edit.

  • Hide in Customer Portal - Primary Account Holder completes the field on the Enroll Form but cannot view those responses in the Customer Portal.

  • Hide in Instructor Portal - Primary Account Holder completes the field on the Enroll Form, but the field cannot be viewed in the Instructor Portal (only by Admins).

  • Hide on Enroll Form - The Primary Account Holder does not fill in the fields on the Enroll Form but can edit the response.

  • Include in Primary Account Holder Confirmation Email - Include in the enrollment confirmation email sent to the Primary Account Holder

  • Include in New Enrollment Email for Admin - Include in the enrollment confirmation emails sent to Admin users.

Preview Fields

To see how the fields will look on either a computer, tablet, or phone, click on the blue Preview button.

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