To pay in the Enrollsy Customer Portal, follow the steps below.
Step 1 - Home Page
If you are not already there, click the menu in the top right, then Home.
Step 2 - Make Payment
Scroll down and select the Make Payment button.
Step 3 - Payment Options
A new window will open where you can choose one of the following options:
Account balance (balance will show) - This is your total balance due. If you have had any failed ACH payments, they may be listed on the transaction history but not be on an invoice. Usually, the account balance is what is actually owed on the account (not necessarily just the current Invoices).
Specific invoices (choose from one or more current Invoices)
Custom amount (enter any amount) - Usually you will want to use this option if you need to pay your account balance.
NOTE: When paying a custom amount, the payment will be credited to the next invoice due, and so on.
Step 4 - Payment Method
Choose your payment method (ACH or Credit/Debit), click "Submit" and you're done! If you need to add a new payment method, click the trashcan icon to the right to delete the current payment method on file, then add the new one.
For Frequently Asked Questions, see Customer FAQs