You can send the same Document to Enrollees in bulk by taking the following steps:
Step 1 -Filter on the Document Page
Head to the Enrollees page and click on the Documents tab—filter by Class or Name at the top.
Step 2 - Select Enrollees
Check the box at the top to select all or select individual Enrollees who need the Document.
NOTE: If you are sending an E-signature Document, the E-signature provider enforces a limit of 25 Enrollees at a time. For the best results, please wait 60 seconds between each batch of 25.
Step 3 - Add Document
Next, click on the Document icon to add the Documents to send.
Step 4 - Send Document
Choose the Document from the list and click Add, then Submit.
The Document will then be added to each Enrollee's account. Here's what will happen with each type of Document added:
Required Document - A notification will appear in the Customers' Portal. When they sign in, they will see at the top in a red banner that they have a Document that needs to be signed or uploaded.
E-signature Document - An email will be sent to the Customer's email (to one or both Account Holders depending on the number of signers on your Document) requesting the Document be filled out and signed.