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How to Invalidate/Restore a Gift Card

Find out how to void and/or restore a Gift Card status

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over a week ago

Invalidate a Gift Card

To invalidate a Gift Card means that it will no longer be redeemable. To do this, head to Submission > Gift Cards and the Unredeemed tab. You can click on the three dots to the right of the Gift Card you'd like to invalidate.

When clicking "Invalidate," the following message will appear, showing any money that was used in purchasing the Gift Card you are about to invalidate.

NOTE: Invalidated Gift Cards cannot be redeemed. A reason for invalidating is REQUIRED before being allowed to invalidate the Gift Card.

invalidate a gift card in Enrollsy

Possible reasons for invalidating a Gift Card:

  • The recipient's email address changed or is not accessible

  • The Gift Card was sent to the wrong email. In this case, an Admin can invalidate the Gift Card and create a new one to the correct email address.

Restoring a Gift Card

Click the circular arrow to restore a Gift Card to a redeemable state. The Gift Card moves to the Unredeemed page. This action can also be done in bulk by clicking on the check boxes of the Gift Cards you want to restore.

restoring Gift Cards in Enrollsy
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