If you have multiple Enrollments that need to be deactivated or deleted, you can do them all at once. Here are the steps:
Step 1 - Choose Class
Head over to the Classes page. Click on the Class with the Enrollees you need to remove.
Step 2 - Move Enrollees to Unassigned
Click on the Enrollees you need to remove. Click Reassign (or - Class/- Day) to reassign the Enrollee to the Unassigned list. When Enrollees are moved to the Unassigned list, a red number will appear beside that Program showing how many Enrollees are in the Unassigned list.
NOTE: You will need to do this for each Program.
Step 3 - Deactivate ONLY
Deactivation will deactivate the Enrollment and move the Enrollee to "Unassigned" under that Program. To learn more about what happens when you deactivate an Enrollment, see this support article.
Step 4 - Remove Enrollees
Select all Enrollees on the Unassigned List and click Remove, then either Deactivate or Deactivate & Delete.
NOTE ABOUT DELETION: When you delete the Enrollment, it will delete the entire Enrollment from the Enrollee's Account. It WILL NOT delete the Enrollee or the Account. Learn more about what is means to delete an Enrollment.