If you need to ensure that Enrollees fall within a specific age range, you can set parameters. Age restrictions are set on the Program level, NOT on the Class level.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Age restrictions are based on the birthdate field of your Enroll Form. You have to have this field visible for age restrictions to work. If you create a different birthdate field, the age restrictions will NOT work.
To do this, go to the Program Page and click on the pencil icon beside the Program. Follow the steps below.
Step 1 - Enroll Form Section
Click on or scroll down to the Enroll Form section. Click the box beside "Is enrollment conditional on age?"
Step 2 - Choose Ages
The first section of the dialog lets you pick the youngest age allowed.
The second section lets you pick the oldest age allowed.
NOTE: You can have the youngest age restriction without the oldest age restriction and visa-versa.
Step 3 - Optional Date
The final section is optional, allowing you to set a date on which to apply these restrictions. If no date is selected in this step, the age restrictions will be enforced using the Enrollee's birthdate and the enrollment date.