Any field can be either required or not required. "Required" means that the Customer must fill out that field at enrollment AND on any E-signature Documents with that field.
Here's how to change this setting. First, access your Enroll Form by going to My Company > Forms > Enroll Form then follow these steps:
Step 1 - Settings
Click on the gear icon to open up the settings for that field:
Step 2 - Toggle Required On
Next, click the toggle beside "Required" in the "on" position:
Click save, and you're done. You will have to do this for EACH field you need to be required to.
Step 3 - Sync E-signature Documents (if applicable)
NOTE: This is an important step if you CHANGE any fields to or from required!
Any E-signature Documents will need to be synced with the Enroll Form for those fields to show up as required (or not required) on the document.
Making a non-required field in the Enroll Form required, or vice versa, will not require you to remap your E-Signature Documents (meaning any work you've done to drag fields onto your forms is unaffected). However, you WILL need to sync these changes to the Document. To do so, follow the steps below:
Step 1 - Open E-signature Document
Access your E-signature Document by going to My Company > Forms > Documents. Click on the pencil icon to edit the document.
Step 2 - Design Editor
Click on up Design tab for each existing E-Signature Document and scroll down to the bottom.
Click on "Sync Mappings with Fields" to sync the changed fields to your Document. You will see a green success message that the mappings have been synced.