What are Views?
Views are the filter and column preferences you set, which populate the Enrollees Table with the data you want to view, download, or take other actions. You may have renamed Enrollee to Participant or Student, in which case you'll be looking for that word in the left sidebar to locate the Table referenced in this article.
What is a Saved View?
Admins have long since been able to create custom Views. However, for Admins with custom reporting needs, particularly those who need to run multiple types of reports or filters regularly, there has not been a way to save these view (s). Until now.
Enrollees Table
The Enrollees Table has three areas to select: Enrollments, Accounts, and Enrollees. Saved Views are ONLY available in the Enrollments view. All buttons are aligned to the left: Views, Columns, and Filters.
How to Create a Saved View
To create a Saved View, follow the steps below.
Step 1 - Click the Columns button and make sure to Show / Hide and Reorder the data columns for the view you want. Then click Done.
NOTE: You can currently only select up to 30 columns simultaneously.
Step 2 - Click the Filter button and apply filters to the dataset.
You can apply filters, columns, or both. Any single modification to the dataset will create a View.
Step 3 - Click the Views button and the Save View button at the bottom of the drawer that slides over. Give your view a name and click Save.
How to use a Saved View
You can create as many Saved Views as you need. To load a Saved View, click the Views button and select the Saved View you want.