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About Credit Card and ACH Funding

Learn how deposits and fees show up in your bank from Enrollsy

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over 3 months ago

If you are using EnrollsyPay, the following gives you an overview of how deposits and fees show up in your account from credit cards and ACH payments.

Credit Card Funding (Deposits/Fees)

Credit card payments will settle after about one business day. Then maybe the same day or one more business day to get to your bank account as a payout. There will be settlement deposits or fee withdrawals from "EMPS" (Express Merchant Processing Solutions) or from "FRST BK MRCH SVC" / "Firstbank" (First Bank) in your bank account statement. These are processing solutions Till/Nuvei uses for processing payments.

These deposits and withdrawals happen daily. The following is what these deposits/fees mean:

  • "DEPOSIT" - This is the deposit of card payments collected through Enrollsy.

    [Date] EMPS DEPOSIT *********1234 + $XX.XX
    [Date] FRST BK MRCH SVC DEPOSIT *********1234 + $XX.XX
    [Date] Firstbank Deposit *********1234 + $XX.XX
  • "DISCOUNT" - This is a withdrawal; your card processing fees are deducted from your account.

    [Date] EMPS DISCOUNT *********1234 - $XX.XX
    [Date] FRST BK MRCH SVC DISCOUNT *********1234 - $XX.XX
    [Date] Firstbank *********1234 - $XX.XX
  • "FEE" - This is the total of any other fees defined on your monthly statement (e.g., monthly service fee).

    [Date] EMPS FEE *********1234 - $XX.XX
    [Date] FRST BK MRCH SVC FEE *********1234 - $XX.XX
    [Date] Firstbank Service Charges/Fees *********1234 - $XX.XX

The line items on the bank statement match the bottom section of your monthly merchant statement.

ACH Funding (Deposits/Fees)

ACH funds usually take between 3 and 5 business days to settle, depending on the bank. In your bank account statement, there will be settlement deposits or fee withdrawals from "ACHQ," which are your deposits of ACH payments collected through Enrollsy. These also occur daily. See About ACH Payments for more information on ACH payments.

Where is my money?

While Enrollsy assists you in collecting money from your customers, we are not a bank. We don't hold your money or have information about when that money is deposited into your bank account. Enrollsy simply reports what the processing banks tell us in terms of a transaction's success or failure.

There are three places where your money could be at any given time:

  • Still in your Customer's bank account

  • In transit

  • In your bank account

Till/Nuvei (Credit Cards)

When you completed your merchant account application, you should have received an email with login instructions for accessing the Till/Nuvei Merchant Portal. If you did not receive this email or if you need to add someone else to your account, please send the following information to for each person to whom you would like to grant access:

  • Full name

  • Email address

  • Time zone

  • MID (Merchant ID, which you can find on your statements or in your welcome email)

Till/Nuvei will send out invitations to log in to the portal.

You can log in to the TillNuvei Merchant Portal here.

ACHQ/Speedchex (ACH)

When you completed your merchant account application, you should have received an email with login instructions for accessing Speedchex. If you did not receive this email or if you need to add someone else to your account, please email and request access.

You can log in to Speedchex here.

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