When you create a Program, you set up a few things that shape how the Program is presented in the Enroll Form. You also get to decide the cost of the Program. This cost is set up in what is called an "Enrollment Model." Enrollsy has three different types of Enrollment Models:
Simple - Allows for enrollment into a Program only. Class assignment is done by an Admin or Instructor with permission.
Days per Week - Allows enrollment into the specific day(s) of the week your rules allow for. Each Class in a Days per Week Program comprises the days of the week.
Classes - Allows Class selection to be made at the time of enrollment.
Be careful when editing the Enrollment Model on a Program that has current enrollments. If you change a program's Enrollment Model, anyone who is enrolled in that Program who has a Payment Plan attached to that Program, that Payment Plan will disappear from that Enrollee's account.
If you need to edit an Enrollment Model, be sure to do the following:
No one is currently enrolled in that Program
No one has current Payment Plans
If you can't do either of the above, then you have a few options:
Manually add back all Payment Plans to each individual account after the Enrollment Model is changed
Duplicate the Program first and then change the Enrollment Model. Then re-enroll everyone who was enrolled in the Program.