All merchant accounts charge fees. If you currently have Card Connect (CardPointe) or Stripe Express, here are the fees for those.
Any new merchant accounts are open using EnrollsyPay.
EnrollsyPay/Till Payments/Nuvei - The current fees (as of 3/2023) for credit cards/debit cards is $0.05 + 2.80% per payment
EnrollsyPay/ACHQ - The current fees (as of 3/2023) for ACH/eCheck: $1.00 per payment
View this resource for additional fees for EnrollsyPay credit cards and ACH.
Card Connect/CardPointe (Legacy Clients only)- See this resource for card association fees (credit card merchant account). For ACH fees, view this article.
Stripe Express (International Clients only) - For Stripe payment fees, see this resource. For Stripe settlement fees in different currencies, view this resource.