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Quickbooks Online

Learn how to sync transactions within Enrollsy to QBO

Caroline Hilton avatar
Written by Caroline Hilton
Updated over a week ago

Enrollsy allows you to sync transactions occurring within our platform with your Quickbooks account.

You will map the charge items and discount items created within Enrollsy to your Quickbooks Online Accounts and Subaccounts. You are able to sync all transactions within Enrollsy to Quickbooks one month at a time.

We recommend building your pricing model and charge/discount items with this syncing process in mind.

Step 1: Getting Ready For Your First Sync

  • Clean up your "Customer" records in your company file: Every time you sync with Quickbooks Online (QBO), Enrollsy will automatically create a new record within your QBO Company File for each of your Enrollsy customers. If you already have some customer records within QBO, and don't want to create duplicate accounts after syncing, please ensure that your existing customer accounts are formatted correctly. Every customer record that Enrollsy finds this way will be updated instead of duplicated. The required formatting is as follows:

    • [LAST NAME], [FIRST NAME] with the comma character in the middle (Example: John Doe's customer name should read Doe, John).

  • Download "Chart of Accounts": During our meeting, we will map which QBO Accounts will list your discount and charge items from within Enrollsy. To prepare for this, please export your "Chart of Accounts" list from your QuickBooks Online Company File and have it ready for our meeting.

  • "Products and Services": From your QuickBooks Online company file, export your "Products and Services" list to use during Step 2. You can get to this report from "Sales" -> "Products and Services," then click "More" -> "Run Report."

    • Note: Most companies like to have a unique product or service for each charge or discount item from within Enrollsy.

  • Back Up Your Company File: ALWAYS back up your company file before syncing with 3rd-party software. Unfortunately, QBO only offers a free continuous backup service on the "QuickBooks Online Advanced" plan called "Online Backup and Restore." If you're not on their advanced plan, you can buy an add-on product called "Rewind" for an additional $14/month. Here is the link to purchase this add-on.

Step 2 - Map Enrollsy with QBO

An essential step to syncing your Enrollsy Account with Quickbooks is to map out what information should be imported and where this information should be recorded. To do this, select the person icon at the top right side of your screen, select the "Items tab", and scroll down to the bottom of the page. From here, you will see a link to complete your Quickbooks Mappings.

Three Different Item Types:

There are three different Item Types, which are explained below.

Company Mapping - Refers to system static mapping settings. Meaning, these come with every account. You likely have the following Company Mappings on your account:

  • Tuition Mapping - This company mapping was required for our old billing system. Unless you know that you are still on Version 1 billing, please disregard this company mapping

  • Manual Adjustment Mapping - Adjustments are made by admins within customer accounts

  • Misc Sales Mapping - Uncategorized sales recorded within Enrollsy

  • Undeposited Funds Mapping - Cash or check payments

Fee - Refers to the Charge Items you created in My Company -> ITEMS -> Charge Items

Discount - Refers to the discount item name that you created in My Company -> ITEMS -> Discount Items

Mapping Item Types to your Quickbooks Account

Each of the above Item Types requires specific mappings to ensure they are synced correctly into your Quickbooks Account. Each item requires that the following information be provided in the QB Mapping page fields and that they correspond with your Quickbooks account.

  • Account

    • Whenever a transaction is recorded within Enrollsy (i.e. a discount is provided or a specific charge occurs), determine which of your QB accounts you would like this event synced to. Use your chart of accounts to determine which accounts you already have or consider adding additional accounts for further organization.

  • Sub Account (QuickBooks Online Only)

    • In QuickBooks Online, you can create sub-accounts to break down your expenses, income, and other account types in more detail. If desired, record which sub-account you would like the transaction recorded into.

  • Append Enrollment Period to Sub Account

    • If a transaction is tied to a specific Enrollment Period, would you like this information recorded within Quickbooks? If so, select the "Append Enrollment Period to Sub Account" check box.

  • Product or Service Name (QuickBooks Online Only)

Once you have completely completed your mapping for each Charge Type listed, you are ready to process your first QB sync!

Step 3 - Your First Sync

Exporting customers' records and transactions to sync with your QuickBooks company file for the first time

Step 3a: Don't forget to backup your QBO account every time you Sync with Enrollsy.

Step 3b: If this feature is available on your plan within Enrollsy, head to your reports page to start the exporting process. MENU -> Reports -> QuickBooks Online Export

QuickBooks Online Export button

Step 3c: Select the date range to sync (one month at a time) & select the desired Classifications. Start by clicking "Start Sync." After this, you will start the integration with Enrollsy by authenticating with QuickBooks Online.

QuickBooks online sync with Enrollsy

Step 4 - Additional Syncs Moving Forward

Repeat all sub-steps from STEP 3.

Errors When Syncing

  • If your import into your company file in QuickBooks Online was unsuccessful, please note the date and time of the error and screenshot/download any errors you are displayed and email

  • Revert your company file to your backup. We don't want corrupted data in your company file.

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