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How to Export Transactions

Export transactions to import into accounting software

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over a week ago

The "Transactions Export" report on the Reports page will export all transactions within Enrollsy and the class or program tied to that payment to a CSV spreadsheet. You can then sort and manipulate this report to pull the necessary information. This will allow you to find all transactions within a specific Enrollment Period, Program, or Class.

You can then use this CSV to import payments into your accounting software.

Unlock the Feature

First, make sure that Enrollsy has unlocked this feature for you. If you want this feature, and it’s not already unlocked, let us know via chat, and we’ll unlock it for you!

The "Transaction Export" report shows the following information:

  • ID (if applicable)

  • Processor transaction ID

  • Processor transaction amount

  • Amount

  • Last 4 (if the payment method is a credit card)

  • Type (payment method)

  • Posted at

  • Posted by

  • Item index

  • Item name (charge item)

  • item type (fee)

  • Item amount

  • Private comment

  • Invoice memo

  • ACH status

  • Classification (payment account)

  • Account ID (ID of the specific account; searchable within Enrollsy)

  • Location

  • Invoice number

  • Enrollment period

  • Program option(s) - List all Program Options


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