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Find support articles for ensuring your Enrollsy account is set up properly
General Info
General information to setup your Company Enrollsy account
How to Customize Enrollsy to Fit your CompanyCustomize colors, logo, and wording to fit your brand
Which Countries Does Enrollsy Support?Interested in knowing if you can use our software in a particular country?
Overview of the Enrollment ProcessLearn how the enrollment flow in Enrollsy works
The Difference Between an Account and an EnrollmentLearn the meanings of these two very different Enrollsy terms
Enrollsy University: Video TrainingOn-demand and in-app video training on these page: Company, Enroll Form & Instructor
How to add, publish or edit your Company Locations
How to Add a LocationEnrollsy makes it easy to add a new Location to your current setup
How to Edit Location(s)Learn how to change your Location information
How Location Affects Page ResultsIf you have more than one Location, learn which pages depends on the Location you are in
Why the Programs Page Appears under Multiple LocationsEnrollsy allows you to edit Programs in any Location
How to Publish/Unpublish a LocationHere are the steps in making your Locations visible or invisible on the Enroll Form
How to Delete a LocationSteps to deleting permanently a Location you have access to
My Company
About the "My Company" Page and the settings located on it
About the "My Company" PageFind out how to navigate to the Company settings page and what settings can be found on it
How to Change Your Company LogoDo you need to update your Company's logo on Enrollsy? Here's how!
How to Add or Edit Company informationEasily change your company's information
How to Edit Portal settingsEdit settings in the Customer & Instructor Portals that suite your company
How to Edit What You Call Things in EnrollsyChanging Enrollsy labels to ones that fit your company
How to Allow Account Holders to Enroll ThemselvesEasily change company settings to allow "Enroll Self"
How to Add Terms and ConditionsHow to add your legal/financial Terms and Conditions to your Programs
Where Terms & Conditions Show Up at EnrollmentFind out how Customers view your terms and conditions in Enrollsy
How to Change the Customer Portal Home PageCustomize home pages for both the Customer App and the Instructor App
How to Edit Company Tax ID NumberLearn how to change your company's EID or Tax ID
Change Where Enrollees are Directed After EnrollmentEnter a custom URL to direct customers to a specific webpage after enrolling
Accessibility Widget
Settings to allow a seamless user experience
Does Enrollsy Have Accessibility Features?Make the Enrollsy site more accessible for you with this new feature!
I Have a Disability, Can I Use Enrollsy?Learn how Enrollys can adapt to a variety of disabilities
How to Change the Text Size and Spacing in EnrollsyLearn how to change the settings to make the text more accessible to you
How to Enable Screen ReaderOur Accessibility feature offers a setting that reads out labels on the screen
How to Adjust ContrastsThe Accessibility feature offers a way to turn on contrasts to view Enrollsy better
How to Move the Accessibility WidgetNeed to move the widget to the other side of the screen? Here's how
How to Adjust Text SettingsThe Accessibility feature provides a way to adjust a variety of text settings
What to Do if Your Screen Looks WeirdLearn how to adjust screen settings