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Data & Reports
How your information is customized, stored, and retrieved
What's on the dashboard and how to use the information
About the Class Ratios PageEasily manage your classrooms by tracking Instructor to Enrollee Ratios
About Class Capacity (Percentage of Classes Filled Up)Enrollsy provides quick visuals for both Program and Class Capacities as well as your company as a whole
How to View How Much Money Was Made TodayEasily see at a glance your daily income
How to View How Much Money Was Made in the Last Week/Month/QuarterSee at a glance your weekly, monthly, and quarterly income!
How to Export a List of All Program or Class CapacitiesExport to a CSV a list of total Program or Class enrollments
Custom Reports
Using the Enrollees table to generate custom reports using enroll form information
About the Enrollees TableNeed specific information on Enrollees/Accounts? Find it here!
How to Create a Custom ReportLearn how to filter and export Enrollee/Class data [UPDATED]
Examples of Custom ReportsSee all the types of Reports you can customize in Enrollsy
How to Create Saved Views on the Enrollees TableNeed to save columns and filtered views of the Enrollees Table? Here's how.
How to Sort Enrollees by Class or ProgramEnrollsy makes it simple to sort all your Enrollees by either the Class or Program they are enrolled in
How to Filter Enrollees on the Enrollee TableThe Enrollee Table allows you to sort Enrollees based on a variety of options [UPDATED]
How to View Enrollee Photos when Filtering DataLearn how you can see the Enrollee's photo on the Enrollee Table
How to Edit Saved Views on the Enrollee TableNeed to change your saved views on the Enrollees Table? Here's how.
Financial Reports
How to generate reports on financial information
Financial Reports ExplainedAn overview of the financial reports that help you evaluate your income and outstanding payments.
Financial Reports ChartA summary of the various financial reports that enable you to assess your income and outstanding payments.
How to View Customer Payments & BalancesLearn the two ways to view balances and print Accounts Receivable reports
How to Run a Transactions ReportEasily run a report of all Transactions made within a certain time frame
How to Export TransactionsExport transactions to import into accounting software
How to View Revenue by ProgramLearn a workaround for viewing money earned by Program name
How to Create an A/R Aging ReportLearn how to pull a report that shows all past due payments
How to Create an A/R Payments ReportLearn how to pull a report that shows all payments within a three to 12-month timespan
How to View Paid-in-Full AccountsThe best current way to see those who paid in full at enrollment
How to Create an Invoice ReportLearn how to export filtered Invoice information
How to Create a Coupon Code ReportDownload a CSV Transaction Report to view Coupon Codes used
How to Create a Charge/Discount Items ReportWant to see all your charge items or discounts used in the last week or month? Enrollsy has a report for that!
How to Create a Prepayment ReportIf you use Prepayments, here's how you can view and export them
How to Create a Refunds ReportTwo ways to run a report on refunds using the Transaction or Discount Item
About Enrollment ReportsIf you're looking for information about the number of enrollments you've had, this article will help you find it.
How to Print or Download a Roster ReportHow to customize your own attendance sheets
How to Print a Check-In/Out ReportUse the Activity Report to download or print Enrollee's attendance
How to View Check-In/Check-Out Reports By Enrollment PeriodNeed to see who checked in or out for a particular time period? Enrollsy has a report for that!
How to Create a Capacities ReportHow to generate a report showing the number of Enrollees enrolled in a Class or Program
Account/Enrollment Reports ChartA summary of the various enrollment reports that enable you to assess enrollments, attendance, and more
Class Lists & Rosters
Instructions on generating attendance sheets/rosters
How to Print Class SheetsNeed a Class list? How to print Class lists, check-in/check-out sheets, or meal attendance
Create a Custom Roster with ActivitiesLearn how to add custom Activities to your attendance sheet
How to View all Class Lists for a Selected Enrollment PeriodEnrollsy provides a comprehensive report with contact information for all Classes
How to Print a Meal Attendance SheetWith Enrollsy, you can print or download meal attendance for use with your food program
Other Reports
Other types of reports (activities, meals, etc.)
How to View Timesheets for InstructorsPrint and/or download timesheet reports for your teachers in three steps
How to Create an Activities ReportAdmins can run Reports for any Activity set up in Enrollsy
How to Create a Health/Nutrition ReportLearn how to do a custom report with health and/or nutrition information
How to Export Account InformationHow to get a list of all Accounts along with contact information in one spreadsheet