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Create customized Enrollee, Instructor, or Classroom Activities that are visible on the Customer and/or Instructor App(s)
General Overview
Overview of activities (how to create them and use them)
How to Create Custom ActivitiesEnrollsy allows customizable Activities, such as Check In/Out, Health Check, Incident Reports, and much more!
How to Create an Internal ActivityLearn how to add Activities that only Admins and/or Instructors can post and/or view
Check-In/Out vs. Present/Absent ActivityHow does the Check In/Check Out Activity differ from the Present/Absent Activity and which should you use
How to Hide/Unhide ActivitiesNeed to hide an Activity from the Customer and/or Instructor Portal?
What the Little Green Checkmark MeansFind out the meaning behind the mysterious Class checkmark
Admin - Activities
How admin users post, view, and edit activities
How to Post an Activity (as an Admin)Admin Users can also post activities to Enrollee timelines
How an Admin Can View Activity PostsParents, Clients, and Participants can post Activities to their Timelines. You can see them all!
How to Record an Instructor Entering and Exiting a ClassroomAdmins can enter an Instructor into and out of Classrooms
How to Edit an ActivityEasily edit any custom Activity by adjusting the settings
Activity ExamplesView some real-life examples of Activities that can be used in the Customer Portal or Instructor Portal
How to Edit Who Views or Posts ActivitiesAllow Account Holders or Instructors to view or post specific Activities
How to Edit the Order of ActivitiesLearn how to adjust the order of how Activities are viewed
How to View When Instructors Entered or Exited Classrooms (Enter/Exit)Admins can print a report of instructors entering/existing classes
How to Edit an Enrollee's ActivitySteps on how to edit one or more Activities under an Enrollee's timeline
Enrollee - Activities
Specific information related to enrollee-type activities
How Customer/Account Holders Check-In Via the KioskEasily check in and out Enrollees through the Kiosk feature
How an Admin can Check Out All Enrollees at the End of the DayUse the Ratios page to close a Class
How to Log Meal Counts for Multiple EnrolleesFind out how to enter meals per Class in the Instructor App
How to Create a Vaccine Card ActivityEnrollsy makes it easy for Admins to customize Forms and Activities
How to View the Enrollee Timeline as an Admin UserHow to see all Activities for a specific Enrollee
How to Download Enrollee PhotosLearn how to download and print default headshot photos
Instructor - Activities
Information related to instructor-specific activities
Troubleshooting Check In/OutSteps to troubleshoot an Enrollee not showing up to be checked in