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Top Requests

Tools > Music Tools > Top Requests

Written by Brandon Gerber
Updated over a year ago

Please set up the Artist Library first, before reading into this.

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The Top Requests tool allows you to set up a list of songs that were highly-requested on your radio station, and to display them on the Top Requests page in a numerical order - similar to a ranking list. The name of the Top Requests page may vary for each website.

With this tool, you can either search for a song, or manually add a song.

How to Search for a Song

Songs can be searched using the fields in the "Search Song Title" box. On how to search a song, you can follow the steps shown below.

  1. Select an artist you added through the Artist Library tool.

  2. Type in a word from the song's name, or type in the entire song's name.

  3. Click the Search button. This will load in a list of songs matching what you searched.

  4. Select a song you wish to add to the Top Requests page.

  5. Click the Add Song button.

How to Manually Add a Song

Songs can be manually added using the fields in the "Manually Ad Song Title" box. On how to add a song, you can follow the steps shown below.

  1. Select an artist you added through the Artist Library tool.

  2. Type in the entire song's name.

  3. Click the "Add Song" button.

How to Adjust the Current Song List

In the "Current Songs" box, these are the buttons you can use to manage the song list:

  • Red "Trash Bin" Icon - Delete a song from the tool and the Top Requests page.

  • Blue "Arrows" Icon - While holding down the left-click on the icon, drag and move a song to change their positioning in the list - for both the tool and for the Top Requests page.

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