We often get the question "How can my website show up better in the search engines?" A few suggestions below....
#1) Publish Relevant Content
Quality content is the number one driver of your search engine rankings and there is no substitute for great content. Quality content created specifically for your intended user increases site traffic, which improves your site’s authority and relevance.
Identify and target a keyword phrase for each page. Think about how your reader might search for that specific page (with phrases like "radio news in Champaign," "best local news in Champaign," or "Champaign Radio news stories"). Then, repeat this phrase several times throughout the page—once or twice in the opening and closing paragraphs, and two to four more times throughout the remaining content.
Don’t forget to use bold, italics, heading tags, and other emphasis tags to highlight these keyword phrases—but don’t overdo it. You still want your language and writing style to read naturally. Never sacrifice good writing for SEO. The best pages are written for the user, not for the search engine.
#2) Update Your Content Regularly
Search engines like regularly updated content. Updated content is viewed as one of the best indicators of a site's relevancy, so be sure to keep it fresh.
#3) Metadata
Make sure your site has up-to-date Title Metadata, Meta Descriptions and Meta Keywords in place. These can be updated in your admin under Settings > General SEO Settings for all your pages, or through the Page SEO Settings for a specific page. For more information about the tools, click on the links below.
In short, if you are happy with the way your meta descriptions show to your searchers, then leave them. If you are not, you can try changing them. Either way, meta descriptions do not play a role in search rankings, they do play a role in what searchers see in the Google search results and can have an impact on your click-through rate from the Google search results.
#4) Have a link-worthy site
Focus on creating relevant links within the text. Instead of having “click here” links, try writing out the name of the destination. “Click here” has no search engine value beyond the attached URL, whereas “Champaign Radio Latest News” is rich with keywords and will improve your search engine rankings as well as the ranking of the page you are linking to.
#5) Make sure your business is listed in Google My Business
#6) Run a Google Ad Campaign
Developing consistent organic search traffic is perhaps the best way to consistently get new visitors coming to your website. This process takes time, however, so you may want to consider running some paid search ads to get exposure in the meantime.
Google Ads
Be seen by customers at the very moment that they’re searching on Google for the things you offer. And only pay when they engage with your ads, like visiting your website or calling your business.
These are just a few methods of improving your search engine rankings and visibility. We are not SEO specialists (at this time). If you are looking for a Search Engine specialist, including Listing Management, Search Marketing, Display Advertising or other features search related, our recommendation is HIBU.COM.
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