This tool provides you with the ability to send messages to all of your text members at once.
The default signature set up through the "Auto Responders" tool can be included with your message.
For more information on the "Auto Responder" tool, click here.
The number of members the message will be sent to will display in here.
Clicking the "Send Now" button will send the message to the members ASAP, so you will need to make sure everything you typed out in the message is correct before you send it out.
Messages previously sent to text members will be listed in this tool.
Admin Side:
Here are the details for each item:
"Send an SMS blast to your entire contact list" Box - The box where you can create messages to send out to all the text members.
Message Field - The content for your message can be added through here.
"Include default signature" Checkbox - As the name implies, you can include the default signature that was set up through the "Auto Responders" tool.
"Send Now" Button - Clicking this will send your message to all the text members.
The message will be sent out ASAP, so make sure everything you have in the message is correct before sending.
"Previous SMS Blasts" Box - The box where you can find the list of messages previously sent to text members.
Message - The content of the messages that were sent to text members.
Status - The status of the message if they were or are being sent out to the text members.
Recipients - The amount of text members the messages were sent to.
Date - The date the messages were sent out.
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