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Movements view

Displays all movements allocated to a run

Written by Leanne Munt
Updated over a week ago

All movements that have been allocated to a run will be displayed on this view.

Movements can be edited on this view by selecting Full Edit or Edit from the view menu.

  • Job num – job number

  • Date Booked – date the job was added to the system

  • Comment - add additional information to the movement. Will also appear in the Daily Movement view comment field - editable

  • Run – run name - a different run can be selected but only Scheduled run names will appear in the drop-down list - editable

  • Run Status - status can be Tentative, Scheduled, Cancelled or Completed

  • Pickup – From time in movement - editable

  • From – From Location in movement - editable

  • Required By – To time in movement - editable

  • Deliver to – To Location in movement - editable

  • Charge To - who the movement is being charged to (Client name or horse) - hyperlink to person/horse name

  • Horse - horse being moved - hyperlink to horse record

  • Total Amount – total amount for job

  • Total Extra Charges – total amount of extra charges added to the movement

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