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Movements - Deleted view

Displays deleted movements and allows a user to restore the movement.

Written by Leanne Munt
Updated over a week ago

A movement can be deleted via the job panel when a job is opened in Full edit or via Movements -unscheduled view. If a movement needs to restored, left click on the movement then select Restore. The movement will then appear in the Movements - Unscheduled view or on the Dispatch - Movement panel so it can be added into a run.

  • Job num – job number

  • Date Booked – date the job was added to the system

  • Run – run name - editable

  • Pickup – date and time horse has to be picked up - editable

  • From – location horse has to be picked up

  • Required By – date and time horse has to be delivered by

  • Deliver to – location horse has to be delivered to

  • Charge To - who the movement is being charged to (Client name or horse)

  • Horse - horse being moved

  • Total Amount – total amount for job - editable

  • Total Extra Charges – total amount of extra charges added to the movement

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