What pages are visited by Evaboot?
Evaboot doesn't simply extract the search data like other scrapers.
We visit all the profiles and company pages
When Evaboot is scraping LinkedIn Sales Navigator, we get all the info from:
LinkedIn profiles
LinkedIn company pages
What data is extracted by Evaboot?
Here is the list of all the data you get when you use an extraction credit:
LinkedIn Profile URL
Professional verified emails
Job title
Job description
Company Website
Company LinkedIn URL
First name, Last name
Lead Location
Company Location
Company Industry
Company Size
Exact number of employees in the company
Years in position
Number of connection
Company Type
Company creation date
Company description
Company Specialties (Keywords describing what the company is doing)
If the profile is open or not
Profile Picture
Company Logo
When you extract an account search or list, you also spend 1 extraction credits but you only get the company data