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The Presentation Portal allows presenters or authors to submit their abstracts for review, and (if enabled) lets them make edits later in response to reviewer feedback. |
Note: The Presentation Portal App is typically the first step in the management of a presentation program. For a full explanation of how abstracts and presentations are submitted, reviewed and organized using EventsAir Apps and the EventsAir Presentation processes, please read this guide.
After you have configured your Presentation Portal, you can publish it and make it available to authors or presenters.
Setting up the Presentation Portal
As for all apps/portals, you need to set up a name, Alias (URL), brand, live dates, and messaging for before and after the app is live. Read this article for more information.
Changing the wording in the app/portal
Changes made to the default language in Application Settings will affect all events. However, you can still make unique local changes for each portal in each event in the Portal Setup. Read more about Localization.
This is where you set what information you want to collect during the abstract submission process.
Include Sections- the sections that can be visible in the portal include:
Presenting Author Bio
Additional Info
AV Requirements
Title Maximum Word Count - limits the number of words in the presentation title. You must set this to a number greater than zero.
Available Presentation Types - specifies which Presentation Types can be chosen in the portal.
Available Themes - specifies which Themes can be chosen in the portal.
Available Keywords - specifies which Keywords can be chosen in the portal.
Presenting Author Bio Maximum Word Count - limits the number of words in the Presenting Author Bio. You must set this to a number greater than zero.
Abstract Document - chooses which document will be used to store the Abstract. This document can be an Uploaded Document, PDF, Plain Text, or HTML.
Capture AV Requirements - select the list of AV requirements that the author can choose from for their presentation.
The following three settings control the flow of papers through the system with the Paper Status:
When an Abstract is submitted, set Paper Status to - e.g. "To be reviewed".
When a Reviewer allows the author to Edit a Submitted Abstract, the Paper Status will be - e.g. "Edits Required".
When an Edited Abstract is resubmitted, set the Paper Status to - e.g. "Re Submitted".
Other settings:
Submission Close Date - new papers cannot be submitted after this date.
Capitalize Author Name - e.g. if user enters "john smith", this will be changed to "John Smith" automatically.
Show Reviewers' Comments - comments made by the reviewer(s) will be visible to the author.
Show Reviewers' Details - do not enable this if you plan on blind reviewing.
Send an Alert when a submission is completed - once the author has uploaded their paper, an Alert will be visible on the Alerts panel of EventsAir.
Maximum number of papers an individual can submit - stop authors from uploading a frivolous number of papers and slowing down your review process.
Automatic Submission Email Merge Document - this email is sent to the author when they submit.
Automatic Resubmission Email Merge Document - this email is sent to the author when they resubmit.
Notification of Paper Resubmitted Email Merge Document - this email is sent to the reviewer when the author resubmits.
Once an author has an abstract with these Paper Status, they can register - authors can only register for the event once they have a paper with one of these statuses.
Contact Site - you must choose an interactive site that is for creating a new Contact. Clicking "Create New Account" from the Welcome page will launch this interactive site.
Registration Site - choose your Speakers Registration Site here. Once the user has submitted a paper abstract with a valid Paper Status,
Add Marketing Tag when Account Created - select the Marketing Tag to be attached to these presenters so they can be easily located.
Navigation- select the text you want for each heading in the portal menu:
Update Details
New Abstract
Edit Abstracts
Additional Page 1
Additional Page 2
Additional Page 3
Registration Site
Each section allows you to set the Page Heading, as well as enter instructions, in HTML format.
Sign In Page - where the user enters their email and password to Sign In.
Home Page
Create Account Page - the presenter can create a new account for themselves by pressing the Create New Account button on the Sign In page.
Update Details Page - the presenter can update their personal information on this page.
Abstract Submission Page
Reviewers Comments Section
Title and Type Section
Theme and Keywords Section
Authors and Affiliations Section
Abstract Section
Supporting Documents Section - if you require authors to upload any other documentation at the time of uploading their abstract, up to 5 documents can be defined. Presentation Documents are defined in Setup, Presentations, Document Setup and can be any of these types: PDF, Uploaded Document, Plain Text, Image or Link.
Additional Documents - if you require authors to upload any other documentation after their paper is submitted, up to 3 additional documents can be defined, which users can upload only when the Paper reaches the specified Status, and the Open Date is reached. Presentation Documents are defined in Setup, Presentations, Document Setup and can be any of these types: PDF, Uploaded Document, Plain Text, Image or Link.
Additional Information Section - allows up to 10 custom fields.
AV Requirements Section
Review Section
Submit Page
Abstract Payment Section- This option allows you to collect a payment for each abstract submitted. Options for this functionality includes:
Menu - name to display on the menu
Instructions - enter your payment instructions here
Pay and Submit Button Label - enter your label text here
Charge for each Abstract Submission Checkbox - check this box to enable the collection of payments for abstract submission
Payment Interactive Site - select the Interactive site you wish to use for collecting payment details
Function Fee Type for Abstract Submission - you will need to create a function and a function fee type to associate with abstract payments
Edit Abstract Page
Additional Pages - allows 3 custom pages, such as Submission Guidelines, or FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).
Registration Page
Using the Presentation Portal
Note: The presenter or author wishing to use the Presentation Portal should Sign In with their email address and password, or press Create New Account.
The home page can display a welcome message, and any other basic information required.
Update Details
This page lets the presenter update their personal information.
New Abstract
Use the New Abstract page to submit a draft of your presentation. You can press Save As Draft at any time to save your changes without submitting your paper. Fill in the details for all sections:
Title and Type
Theme and Keywords
Authors and Affiliations
Abstract - supporting documents are also uploaded on this page
Additional Information
AV Requirements
Review - see how your submission will look, before submitting it.
Submit - the final step. Click the checkbox to agree to the Terms and Conditions, then click Submit. You must have entered all required information before you will be allowed to Submit. Once you submit your paper, you can still View it, but will no longer be allowed to edit it. If you are not ready to submit your paper for review, then press Save As Draft instead.
Note: Draft Papers are not visible in EventsAir until they have been officially submitted.
Edit Abstract
On this page you can see all draft papers you have saved, and edit them. Submitted papers can be viewed, but not edited.