The Self Check-In Kiosk offers an easy and quick way for your attendees to check into your event, including automatic badge printing and other features. |
When managing an onsite check in for an event or meeting, reducing wait times and long lines is always an important objective. The Self Check-in Kiosk allows your attendees to check in to an event by scanning a barcode/QR code or by typing in their name.
Once checked in, they are directed to a desk to pick up their name badge that was just printed. If payment is due, badge printing is withheld and the attendee is directed to arrange payment.
Individual note (messages) to contacts can be inserted, and walk-up new registrations can also be accepted at the portal.
You can set up as many Self Check-In Kiosks as you like. They can be regular computers, laptop computers or tablets.
Read more about using Self Check-In.
Setting up the Self Check-In Kiosk App
As for all apps/portals, you need to set up a name, Alias (URL), brand, live dates, and messaging for before and after the app is live. Read this article for more information.
Changing the wording in the app/portal
Changes made to the default language in Application Settings will affect all events. However, you can still make unique local changes for each portal in each event in the Portal Setup. Read more about Localization.
Kiosk Setup
These are the settings that define the various functions of the Self Check-In Kiosk.
Instructions Heading and Instructions - enter the heading and text for the Instructions Page.
Note: There is a default message, but you will want to change it to match the options you select below.
Welcome Heading - enter your welcome opening heading here.
Enable Name Search - checking this box lets the attendee enter part or all of a name to self check-in with.
Enable Email Search - checking this box lets the attendee enter part or all of their email address to self check-in with.
Additional Identifier in the Result List -if multiple names appear as part of a name lookup, this option will display your selected identifier as as way for the attendee to correctly choose their name. You can choose:
Email (masked)
Address Line 1
Post/Zip Code
Phone Number
Phone Number (masked)
Enable Bar Code Scanning - this option lets your attendee use a Barcode or QR code (usually found on a confirmation email) to check in.
Enable Group Check-in - this option will display all names in a group, and the attendee checking-in can select additional group members to pick up their name badges.
Bypass Print Screen if OK - If all elements of the check-in are OK, this option will bypass the information screen that is displayed and proceed directly to printing the name badge.
Enable New Registration - checking this option will allow walk-up attendees to register onsite for the event. You will designate an Interactive Registration Site later on this page. You can require a password to register onsite, and can also enter new registration instructions and assign the actual Interactive Site to use for new registrations.
Enable Instant Scan and Print Mode - with this setting enabled, scanners are in constant operation mode and a scanned bar code or QR code will result in an instant badge print operation.
Note: If you enable the Instant Scan and Print Mode option, when opening the kiosk you'll no longer see options to Search By Name, or New Registration. Instead, you get a streamlined version of the portal that only allows finding attendee records by QR code or barcode scanning. You may want to add multiple versions of the portal in the EventsAir App Store. This allows you to create, for example, one set of instant scan stations, and a separate set of stations where attendees can search for their name or email address. To do so, create two versions of the Self Check-in Kiosk App (giving them different names), and configure them differently. Each app will have a distinct URL, which you can then use for as many kiosks as you need of each type.
Require Password - check this box to require a password to self check in. You will set the New Registration Password and Instructions here as well.
New Registration Site - select the Interactive Site here to be used for onsite registration.
Do Not Allow Unpaid Attendee to Check In - turning on this option will display a message directing the attendee to finalize payment prior to receiving a name badge.
Allow Name Badge Reprint - turn this on ONLY if you wish attendees to reprint badges at the kiosk.
Messages- you can enter the following default messages:
Unpaid Message - if an attendee still has a balance due, they will see this message.
Not Found Message - if an attendee's registration record is not found, they will see this message.
Badge Already Printed Message - if you do not allow badge reprints, this message displays if someone tries to reprint a badge or check in on a record that is already checked in.
Check In Message Note Type - you can define a specific Note Type (such as Check In Message). Whenever you enter a note of this type on a specific attendee's record, this message will display upon check in, ONLY for this attendee.
Name Badge - choose the specific badge layout here. When creating your Name Badge, remember that the Name Badge Type must be one of these:
Contact (including all module data)
Registered Attendee
Partner Name Badge - choose the specific badge layout here. When creating your Name Badge, remember that the Name Badge Type must be Registered Partner.
Capture Photo if no photo is provided - this option will allow your attendee to capture a photo and include the photo on their name badge (if badge format is designed to include a photo). During the photo capture (using the tablet or computer's web cam or camera), the attendee will be able to accept, reject and crop the image as needed. See Attendee Photo Management for more details.
Capture Photo Header - enter the heading for Photo Capture here (the default is Capture Photo).
Capture Photo Instructions - enter the instructions for photo capture here.
Crop Photo Header - enter the heading for Crop Photo here (the default is "Crop Photo").
Crop Photo Instructions - enter the instructions for the Crop Photo action here.
Using the Self Check In App
Search by name
The attendee can enter their Last Name, then First Name or Initial.
They should then select Search.
The attendee finds their name in the list of results, and presses the Select button next to it.
Tip: If the attendee's name doesn't appear in the results, they should check the spelling, and make sure they have entered both a Last Name, AND a First Name (or Initial). They also need a valid Registration already in the system. If they have not yet registered, they should use the New Registration button instead.
If Capture Photo has been enabled, and no photo is present, the attendee can select Capture Photo and add a photo to the registration record.
Pressing Print will print the attendee's Name Badge for collection.
Scan Barcode
The attendee should select Scan Barcode.
They can scan their unique personal barcode to confirm their event ID.
If Capture Photo has been enabled, and no photo is present, they can select Capture Photo and add a photo to the registration record.
Pressing Print will print the attendee's Name Badge for collection.
New Registration
The attendee selects New Registration.
They fill in all fields with their personal details.
Note: Fields marked with a red asterisk* are mandatory, and must be completed. They also need to select a Registration Type to be able to print a Name Badge.
Pressing Submit should create the registration.
Note: If the page does not clear after Submit, check for any input errors, marked in RED.
If Capture Photo has been enabled, and no photo is present, the attendee can select Capture Photo and add a photo to the registration record.
Pressing Print prints the Name Badge ready for collection.
Note: To return to the front page of the portal, the attendee should press Start Again, or press the browser's Refresh button (usually F5).