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Access Control App
Updated over 2 months ago

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The Access Control App lets you can scan attendees and verify access privileges. It can also be used in offline mode.


  • This app uses large fonts for maximum readability on a wide range of mobile devices (phones, tablets, etc.) but can also be used on a laptop.

  • To avoid possible problems with internet connectivity while onsite at your event, this app can also work in offline mode. Look for a red or green light at the top of the screen:

  • Red Light - currently offline, working with last cached version of the Access Control data.

  • Green Light - currently online, you can use the online features Refresh Data and Send Access Logs (see below under "Using the Access Control App").

Even when offline (red light), you can select which Session you are controlling access for, and scan people into that Session.

  • For faster processing of attendees, place a barcode (or QR code) on your Attendee's Name Badge layout, and attach a barcode scanner to your mobile device.

Setting up the Access Control App


As for all apps/portals, you need to set up a name, Alias (URL), brand, live dates, and messaging for before and after the app is live. Read this article for more information.


Changing the wording in the app/portal

Changes made to the default language in Application Settings will affect all events. However, you can still make unique local changes for each portal in each event in the Portal Setup. Read more about Localization.

Content Tab - Access Control App

Configure the following pages:

  • Sign in Page - Configure the Heading and page Content.

  • Scan Page - Configure the Navigation link description, the Heading, and the page Content, also:

    • Navigation Label - Defaults to Scan

    • Heading - Defaults to Scan

    • Instructions - Enter you Access Control instructions here

    • Display Photo - enable to display the Attendee's photo in the portal (online mode only).

    • Identify Re-Entry for Session/Function - this option will alert the user of the Access Control App whenever someone is re-entering a function or session after scanning in at an earlier point

    • Disable Real-Time Updates - By default, the Access Control app checks with EventsAir in real time for names and access details. When this option is selected, real-time updates are disabled and only the downloaded attendee data is used for access control and contract tracing

    • Display Possible Duplicates - enable to display any possible duplicate records

  • Help Page - enter your help page content here

Users Tab

In this tab, you set up who's allowed to access the app or portal. To add a new user, click the plus sign next to App Users, and complete the fields below. When you've finished adding users, press Save.

Note: You must set up Users here before anyone can use this app or portal.

Click on App Users to create a new user, then fill in the following:

  • Email Address

  • Password

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Organization

  • User Type - (Leave as Basic - the default. No other user types for this app.)

  • User Level - (Leave as Standard - the default.)

  • Is Disabled - check this to disable the account, so the user cannot sign in.

  • Last Logon - shows the date and time this user last signed in.

Access Logs

This panel shows the details of every time this user has signed in. Here you can review the date and time of access, the originating IP address, and any actions taken.

Using the Access Control App

Scan Page

When you log in for the first time, you'll be taken to the Scan page.

  • Underneath the Data button, you'll see your data download and upload status

    • Your event data is automatically downloaded, unless you have more than 50,000 records in your event database

    • You'll see the number of records along with the last updated date and time

    • If you have records to upload, you'll see that information along with the last sent date and time

  • Select Session/Function - select the session or function that you want to manage access for

Select Session/Function

  1. Click on this to choose which Function or Session you want to run.

  2. A new section will appear, showing the Function or Session, the Date and Time, the Location, and the Start button.

  3. Press Start to open the scanning page. From here:

  4. The screen will say "Ready to scan", with a gray background.

  5. The Access Control App will download all appropriate records from the cloud (unless you have more than 50,000 records, then you will need an Internet Connection and work directly from the server).

  6. Either scan the Attendee's Name Badge barcode, or simply type in the Attendee's ID number and press ID Search.

  7. The app will display the Attendee's details (and Photo if in online mode, and enabled in Setup), and one of these messages:

    1. ACCESS ALLOWED (green background) - this person can be allowed to enter the session.

    2. ACCESS DENIED (red background) - this person does not have a matching Registration, Function or Session.

    3. NOT FOUND (red background) - the ID number you entered does not exist in the database. Check the number and try again.

    4. RE-ENTRY DETECTED (Yellow Background) - if you enabled this is session or function setup, you'll see a yellow screen notifying you that the attendee is re-entering the session or function

  8. Entry/Exit Tracking - The same access control app can be used to track both entry and exits. To switch, unlock the screen by pressing the lock icon, and choose either Entry or Exit for the tracking you want to perform.

Contact Tracing

If you want to simply record entry, exit and re-entry into a location for contact tracing reasons, choose Contact Tracing instead of a Session or Function. You can select from a list of pre-configured locations or enter in a new location on the fly. All other features work the same way.

Help Page

The user of the app can see any special instructions from the organizer.

Tip: If changes made to the Help in Setup do not yet appear here, try clearing your browser's cache, and re-loading the page.

Sign off

Sign out of the app. If you accidentally sign out, or close your browser before pressing Send Access Logs, just sign back in, and all your cached data will still be available.

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