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This app gives event organizers and assigned staff a structured workflow for reviewing submitted images, accepting/requesting replacement images, cropping images and other photo management processes.
You can review all images that have been uploaded, or filter images based on Photo Status. Photos can be cropped, removed and replaced, and you can bulk Accept or Request Photo Replacements.
The App will automatically send out a Merge Doc if you select Request Photo (for records without an uploaded image) or Request Replacement Photo (for records with an image you'd like replaced).
Crop - trim away unwanted parts of an image, usually done to center a headshot appropriately within the square or passport dimensions
Square - equal on all four sides (one of the two default size photo formats in EventsAir)
Passport - an image where the height is greater than the width, as is typical for most passport photos
Photo Status - you can assign different photo statuses for each photo attached to a client record. The photo statuses in EventsAir are:
Not Uploaded
Not Reviewed
Replacement Requested
Not Required
Setting up the Photo Review App
As for all apps/portals, you need to set up a name, Alias (URL), brand, live dates, and messaging for before and after the app is live. Read this article for more information.
Changing the wording in the app/portal
Changes made to the default language in Application Settings will affect all events. However, you can still make unique local changes for each portal in each event in the Portal Setup. Read more about Localization.
Settings Tab
You can define two different types of Merge Docs in the Settings Tab.
Request Photo Merge Doc - if you change a status for any contact to Request Photo, EventsAir will automatically send out a Request Photo Merge Doc that you have previously created. This Merge Doc will need to include an Auto Login Token for an interactive (registration) site where the attendee can upload a photo.
Request Replacement Photo Merge Doc - if you change a status for any contact to Request Replacement Photo, EventsAir will automatically send out a Request Replacement Photo Merge Doc that you have previously created. Again, this Merge Doc needs to include an Auto Login Token for an interactive (registration) site where the attendee can upload a new photo.
Note: The above Merge Docs are very similar to each other, with only a slight change in wording needed (request new photo or request a photo for the first time). The interactive (registration) site used can be the same for both.
Users Tab
In this tab, you set up who's allowed to access the app. To add a new user, click the plus sign next to App Users, and complete the fields below. When you've finished adding users, press Save.
Note: You must set up Users here before anyone can use this app.
Click on App Users to create a new user, then fill in the following:
Email Address
First Name
Last Name
User Type - (Leave as Basic - the default. No other user types for this app.)
User Level - (Leave as Standard - the default.)
Is Disabled - check this to disable the account, so the user cannot sign in.
Last Logon - shows the date and time this user last signed in.
Using the App
The following Search functions are available in the Photo Review App:
Search - enter a company or contact name to search for a specific contact.
Photo Status Search- select one or more Photo Statuses to display a list of matching contact records. Statuses include:
Not Uploaded - displays contact records where no photo has been uploaded.
Not Reviewed - displays contact records that have not been reviewed in the Photo Review App.
Requested - displays contact records where a photo has been requested but not yet received.
Accepted - displays contact records where the photo has been reviewed and accepted.
Replacement Requested - displays contact records where a replacement photo has been requested.
Not Required - displays contact records where a photo has not been required.
Apply - applies the defined search criteria.
Clear - clears the defined search criteria.
Advanced Search - lets you define additional search filters such as registration category, and more.
Review and Editing Functions
There are several important processes you will undertake in reviewing and editing photos.
Tip: To save time, you can click Update Selected Records (at the bottom of the screen) to process all of your selected records at once.
Defining a Search - this is where you will search for a specific contact, or a group of contacts based on Photo Status. For example, a common review process would be to search to see all contact records with a photo that hasn't yet been reviewed.
Add/Replace Photo - lets you import a new photo and crop it to the correct dimensions.
Crop Photo - lets you crop an existing photo.
Remove Photo - this will remove the current photo from the contact record
Accept Photo - checking this box will mark the photo as Accepted.
Request Photo - checking this box on any contact that doesn't have a photo will mark it as needing to request a new photo.
Request Replacement - checking this box will mark this contact for requesting a replacement photo.
Status Bar- on the left side of each contact record is a colored vertical bar. These colors indicate the following:
No Status Bar - Not Requested, or Not Required
Red - Not Reviewed
Green - Accepted
Blue - Requested, or Replacement Requested