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Creating a Feedback Pulse

This article will guide you on steps to creating a feedback pulse for peers

Daniel Spitty avatar
Written by Daniel Spitty
Updated over a week ago

Ensure you are logged in and travel to the Pulses section of the App.

Select Send a New Pulse from the bottom of the list.

Fill in the Name of your pulse and if you wish the Description and Welcome Screen Message.

You have the choice to send the Pulse Immediately or to wait and schedule it to be sent at a later date. If you wish to schedule it for later select Send: On Date and enter your preferred date. 

Select how long you would like the Pulse to stay open for, the default is two weeks how ever you may wish to change that.

If you wish to have this Pulse Repeat simply select the Repeat option and switch it on. You will now see the options to select how often you wish for the pulse to repeat and how long you wish it to repeat for.

Also available here are the options to customise the email notification users will receive when you send this Pulse and the ability to Share this Pulse’s report with other users.

Once you are finished with the Pulse Details select next and move onto the Questions.

Pulses can either be made up of a Custom selection of available Questions or Targeted to each Pulse rated individually through their own Focus Factors. Once finished choosing questions select next.

Select the Teams or Users you wish to complete the Pulse and once happy select send.

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