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Everperform for Mission Control
Leading your organisation and people with Everperform
The Leader Playbook with EverperformHow to use Everperform to elevate your firm's performance
The Mission Control Playbook with EverperformHow to use Everperform to elevate your firm's performance
Mission Control - Cheat SheetThis is a centralised resource for mission control users to find quick links to key insights
My Organisation Analysis
Analysing your organisation's performance
Introducing My Organisation analysisAnalyse your organisation's performance in real time
How to use standard viewsAnalyse your organisation's data with standard views
How to create custom viewsCreate custom views to answer specific questions about performance
Performance Reports and Reviews
How to run your organisation's performance review process in Everperform
Performance ReportsThis is full run through of the Reporting feature now found within Everperform
Performance reports and their types
Viewing Performance Reports
Creating a Feedback Request - 360 Rating
Feedback Request Email Customisation
Add, change and delete measures
Understanding MeasuresGetting a grip of your Measures, KPIs or OKR is easy with the Measures Page
Creating a Measure for multiple usersIf you need to create the same measure across a team or organisation you can do so upon creation
Private Measurescreating or assigning Private Measures gives you the ability to track key data in a private setting
Ending a Measureending a measure will effectively pause it, allowing you to keep the data but not have it influence other reporting
Measure Category Creation
Creating goals, milestones and tasks