Why do the questions in the pulses change every week?
Pulse surveys measure performance across three factor types:
Within each factor there is a set of questions that are designed to measure that factor. The questions change every week to ensure that the factor is measured from many different angles, while keeping each pulse survey at the optimal length. In our years of research and running pulses, we know that not all of our questions need to be answered weekly so we vary their frequency.
My pulse survey results are lower than I expected. Why?
Humans are excellent at a lot of things, but when it comes to understanding ourselves, we can sometimes need some help. Sometimes the results in our pulses can surprise us. One of the great benefits of using Everperform to track your performance is that you can look back over the past few months and observe how your performance has changed.
If you pulse survey results are lower than expected, you can ask yourself:
Has something major (whether positive or negative) changed for me in the past few weeks? (e.g. moving house, starting a new role, change in routine)
How is my health and my sleep?
What's one practical activity I can do to improve my performance? (e.g. reach out for help, introduce more physical exercise, clarify my goals with my manager)
The first step to improving your performance is understanding it. By tracking your performance through pulses, you can increase your awareness of your performance.
Who can see my pulse survey results?
Your pulse survey responses are visible to:
Your line manager
Partners and directors
System administrators
Your responses may also be made available to other relevant individuals such as project managers, temporary supervisors, or your organisation's human resources or people advisory team.
Why aren't pulses anonymous?
While anonymous surveys are popular in the corporate world, we believe that identified surveys are a more effective way to build trust, communication, and solve problems together.
At Everperform, we believe that trust is crucial to positive and effective working relationships between employees and managers. Providing a protected channel through which employees can have reflect on their own performance and share any concerns with their managers is something that Everperform is proud to champion.
I missed this week's pulse survey. Can I complete it after it has closed?
Pulse surveys close four days after they open. If you miss a pulse and want to complete it, a system administrator can reopen it.
If you are unable to complete a pulse, your Performance Passport will still show all available data for the selected date range. The missed pulse will not affect your average performance scores.
Pulse surveys are a great opportunity to reflect and provide feedback on your performance. You can enter new observations about your performance into your Performance Passport at any time via the Observations tab, as well as within pulses.
Is the Lead Indicator pulse schedule configurable?
The Lead Indicator library is a set template that runs on a predetermined schedule, with the questions being set by Everperform, and the timing of when the schedule is run being determined as part of onboarding.
However, there is a variety of other pulses that can be either created, or set from a recommended Everperform Library.
Things that are covered include:
Engagement Surveys
Culture Surveys
Performance Reviews
Program Reviews (eg leadership, manager development etc)
Pyschosocial Hazard Assessments
These surveys are configurable by Administrators in the Pulse area of the application.
If you are interested in learning more about what surveys are available and what best practice is, please reach out to your Everperform account manager.