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What is a pulse follower?
A pulse owner is a user who can see the full results of everyone who completes the pulse (as opposed to only seeing their own or their team's results).
By setting up a user as a pulse follower, you will grant them access to the results of the pulse indefinitely, until you remove them as a follower.
Pulse followers cannot modify the details or schedule of a pulse.
Use cases
You may wish to configure someone as a pulse follower if they need to review firmwide pulse responses, for instance, HR personnel and firm leaders.
How to configure pulse followers
To configure a pulse follower:
Go to pulses > Schedule
Click the Edit icon on the right of the pulse you wish to edit
Scroll to the bottom of the page until you get to the Sharing heading. Click the + icon to expand the heading
Add the user you wish to configure as a follower
Click Save
Repeat this process for each relevant pulse.
Note: There are four weekly Lead Indicator pulses sent out on a monthly schedule. You will need to set up followers for each of these pulses separately.