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User access and permissions to see Performance Passports
User access and permissions to see Performance Passports

Who can see what data within Everperform?

Daniel Spitty avatar
Written by Daniel Spitty
Updated over 6 months ago

Everperform has a configurable and flexible way that firms can utilise to ensure that the right people, get access to the right data whilst adhering to the confidentiality and security requirements needed.

First of all, everyone can access their own performance passport, and by default, no one else can view another performance passport in the system other than their own.

From here, there is user settings that are updated by the firm's administration team (Mission Control) which then provides access to these users for leaders, managers and other specific administrators that are required to have access. It utilises 2 key methods to provide access to user data within the platform.

Hierarchical Method

Everperform follows traditional hierarchical approach to provide access to users. This is determined by the sub-ordinates that have been setup in the settings which enables managers to see their direct reports.

Follower Method

The follower method enables named users to be granted access to see non-direct reports within the platform. This is setup by your administration team and those who have privileges to do so.

This method enables the following scenarios:

  • HR leaders to view all employees in the firm (who are not direct reports)

  • Partners to view employees within their service lines

  • Job Managers to have temporary access to employees who are working on their engagements for a period of time

  • Managing Partners and CEOs to have access to all employees across the firm.

Both of these methods are used in combination to enable the exact fit for permissions and data access for each firm and situation.

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