These things happen!
If you’d like to cancel a booking, we’d ask that you give us at least 7 days notice so that we can ensure that both the brands and our partner agencies are fully aware. Failure to do so may affect your chance of being sponsored in future.
To cancel, navigate to Manage, My bookings from the top menu.
Here, you will see a view of all your upcoming events. Click Status & Timings on the booking you would like to cancel, and then scroll down to the Cancellations section.
Clicking on Cancel Booking will open a form where you will need to choose a reason for cancellation from a drop-down menu and then write a message to other stakeholders (brands and partner agencies) explaining why you need to cancel.
There is an option to exclude sending the cancellation email to the venue. This can be used if you have several team member accounts for your venue and want to exclude them from receiving the cancellation email.
If you leave this tick box unchecked, every stakeholder in the booking will be notified automatically and your booking will be cancelled.