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Insights overview
Updated over 2 months ago

The Insights module helps you stay informed about important trends and anomalies in your data. The system continuously monitors your data, and when it detects a notable trend or irregularity, it triggers an Insight notification.

How Insights Work

Notifications: Each triggered insight appears in the Insights module in a notification format.

  • Click the expand arrow to view the full details of the insight.

  • Insights include:

    • A visualization that highlights the trend or anomaly.

    • A summary describing the insight in the notification body.

    • A View More button that navigates you to a related report with detailed data about the insight.

Daily Email Summary:

  • After daily polling data is received each morning, you’ll receive an email summarizing all insights generated for the day.

  • If no insights are triggered for the day, no email will be sent.

Examples of Insights

The Insights module detects and alerts you to a variety of important trends, such as:

  • A spike in total voids or refunds for the day.

  • An employee with unusually high voids or refunds compared to the employee average.

  • A significant increase in discounts for a day.

Why Use the Insights Module?

The Insights module saves you time by proactively identifying key trends or anomalies in your data. With its notifications, visualizations, and easy access to detailed reports, it ensures that you can quickly respond to potential issues and make data-driven decisions.

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