Exsalerate enables you to identify issues & allocate resources effectively to keep your business moving forward with visual prompts.
Colour Coding:
Blue: All is well, this company/opportunity is progressing through your pipeline within the expected timeframe.
Orange: This company/opportunity is taking slightly longer than expected to move to the next Phase in your Pipeline.
Red: This company/opportunity is taking longer than expected to move through your pipeline.
To set the number of phase days for each colour code - head to the settings
The icon in the bottom right corner of the tile is a link to your next activity.
Red Caution sign there is NO ACTIVITY PLANNED
Green the activity is DUE TODAY
Blue the activity is PLANNED FOR THE FUTURE
Red the Activity is OVERDUE
The icons themselves relate to the type of activity that's planned:
Follow-up Activity
Phone Activity
Meeting Activity
Email Activity
WorkflowMax Job
Other Activity
You add/delete/edit the type of activities your team undertakes here