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Applying to Wholesalers

Learn how to apply to wholesalers, getting your accounts open and receiving a credit line from each wholesaler.

Ezriel Green avatar
Written by Ezriel Green
Updated over 6 years ago

Once your licenses have been added you will be prompted to apply to wholesalers. 

Why do I need to apply for wholesalers?

Each wholesaler has an application form that they need to review before approving you as a customer, so this is a required step before you are able purchase from vendors on EzriRx. This is even required if you are already a customer of the wholesaler, as the wholesaler will need to approve your request to purchase from them via our platform.

Luckily, we have made this a quick and easy process that takes very little time to complete, and doesn't require any faxing or mailing - it's all built right into our platform!

How do I apply for wholesalers?

On EzriRx you have the option to apply to wholesalers on an individual basis, apply to multiple wholesalers at once, or even apply to all at once.

Tip: Applying to all wholesalers at once will increase your chance of finding the best price and will allow you to begin purchasing quicker with greater catalog availability. 

Applying to wholesalers is an easy process: 

  1. On the Wholesalers page, you will see a list of all wholesalers available on EzriRx along with their VAWD Status and amount of products each have loaded on the site. To get started, click on the ‘Apply to all Wholesalers’ button on the top right hand corner (recommended), select multiple wholesalers and click "Apply to selected wholesalers" in the dropdown in the top right, or click the "Apply" button on a wholesaler you wish to apply to.

  2. A pre-filled electronic application will appear with the information you provided when you signed up for To begin, click "Get Started" and you will be taken to the first required field. 

  3. Enter in the requested information and press "Click to sign". Here you will provide your signature and click "Insert Everywhere". This will pre-fill the "Signature" field in all places, drastically shortening the amount of time spent - especially if you are applying to more than one wholesaler at once! When complete, press “Proceed” and your applications will be sent to all the wholesalers for approval.

    (Note: please allow a short window of time for your application(s) to be sent - once sent, the wholesalers will now appear in your "Pending wholesalers" tab.)

How long until wholesalers approve my account?

Wholesalers will typically approve your account within 5-10 minutes, and you should be able to place your first order by end-of-day at the latest. You will receive individual emails as each wholesaler approves your account and allocates a line of credit for you to purchase with. If your application is missing information, an email will be sent to you with details and next steps.

How do I view my wholesalers?

You can view the wholesalers who have approved you and track your credit balances here. As you continue to purchase and place orders using your credit terms, you can even request a credit limit increase from the wholesalers on this page.

Learn more about tracking your credit terms, requesting credit limit increases, and more here.

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