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Adding and Editing Products in the Product Catalogue
Adding and Editing Products in the Product Catalogue

Adding and editing Products in your Product Catalogue.

Updated over a month ago

Adding new Products to the Product Catalogue

Select Add New, and choose Category, Flashing (if enabled), Product or Product Kit depending the Product you’re adding.

Locating this section in app: Products > Product Catalogue

πŸ’‘ Tip: we’d recommend creating Categories first to create a well organised and structured Product Catalogue.


  • Select Add New > Category.

  • Add a Category name, at the bottom of the page.

  • Press Enter.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: to delete a Category select the kebab/other options menu.


  • Select Add New > Product.

  • Add an image for the product; this will be displayed in the Product Catalogue list.

  • Add a Product Name.

  • Adjust Product Settings as required.

  • Save.

Product Settings for New and Existing Products

Product Options

πŸ—’οΈ Notes:

  • the above are multi-select options; choose all that apply (I buy or I sell needs to be selected)

  • toggle between settings for each in the Pricing table, utilise the Buying, Selling, Tracking buttons in the Pricing section.

Enable/disable Product Options for:

I buy this item

These Products are purchased for fabrication.

If enabled, edits can be made to Buying and Pricing information (at the bottom of the Product Settings page).

  • Tick the box beside I buy this item

  • Select Suppliers and Preferred Suppliers under Buying section.

I sell this item

These are Products you sell.

If enabled a Pricing section will appear (at the bottom of the page) with a Standard column.

  • Tick the box beside I sell this item

  • Add price list for the Product.

I track stock for this item

If enabled edits can be made in the Pricing Table at the bottom of the page.

  • Tick the box beside I track stock for this item

  • Select Tracking to view Stocktake information.

  • On Hand: stock on hold, to be updated when a Stocktake is undertaken.

  • Promised: a non-editable column that automatically updates when Orders are placed.

  • Available: a non-editable column that automatically updates with On Hand minus Promised.

  • On The Way: a non-editable column that automatically updates when Orders are being delivered.

I track costs and markups for this item

This allows you to view Cost and Markup information for the product, in order to automatically calculate a product price.

Enabling I track costs and markups for this item will add Cost, Markup and Price columns to your Pricing table.

  • Tick the box beside I track cost and markups for this item

  • In Selling information add a Cost and Markup.

πŸ’‘Tip: a cost of $10 and a markup of 100% would automatically calculate a sale price of $20.

You can define a percentage or dollar based markup by typing a β€˜$’ character or β€˜%’ character. By default it’ll display as a percentage.

This information is displayed on the Sales Order, at which point a β€˜Margin’ section will also display at the bottom of the Sales Order to indicate how much you are making on that Order.

πŸ—’οΈ Notes:

  • Altering the Cost on an Order doesn't alter the Cost in the Pricing table

  • Cost and Markup information isn't printed on a invoice

  • To remove errors messages related to Cost and Markup, retype the Price as a number with two decimal places in the Price column.

Product is bought/sold tax-free

Mark certain Products/Line Items as being 'tax free' permanently, removing them from tax calculations on Orders.

Exclude specific line items on a Sales Order from tax calculations via the Exclude from tax option found within each Line Item's kebab/other options menu.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: Important - using tax free products requires your accounting package integration to have been configured with the correct 'tax free' account or tax codes.

Product is bought/sold in

How the Product is bought and/or sold in:

  • Basic Quantities: could be off the shelf items.

  • Lineal Metres: if quantities and length of Product is applicable, Lineal Metres will be calculated.

  • Square Metres: items being sold per meter, or the price varies based on the measurement of the Product's surface area.

Product Category

Select which Category/Group the Product should be listed in/under in the Product Catalogue.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: Category names are listed here in alphabetical order.

Available Materials

Select the Materials that the Product is made out of.

πŸ—’οΈ Notes:

  • these will appear in the Pricing section

  • toggle between Available Materials listed to enable separate prices and discounts per Material.

Buying Section

Buying Section displays if "I buy this item" is selected under Product Options.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: additional column will be added under Pricing section > Buying for ever Supplier selected.

Pricing Section

Display Pricing table for Buying, Selling, and Tracking based on chosen Product Options.

Pricing information in the Pricing table

The Pricing table displays Product information (description, details, pricing etc) for each Product variant that you buy and/or sell.

Adding information to the Pricing table

Accounting package Item #: choose the relevant Accounting Package Item number i.e. MYOB Item # (if integrated with an Account Package has been implemented) to link a Product in Factory to a corresponding Product in your accounting package to ensure invoices sent from Factory to your accounting package reference the correct products.

Adding/editing prices

  • For I buy this product: add prices under each Supplier to correspond with a Product variant

  • For I sell this product: add prices to the Pricing columns created in Price Level Manager.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: use Price Level Manager to set discounts offered by your business.

Product Kit

  • Select Add New > Product Kit.

  • Add an image for the kit; this will be displayed in the Product Catalogue list.

  • Add a Kit name.

  • Adjust Product Kit Settings as required.

  • Add Sub-kit (creates a sub-kit within the Kit), if necessary in the Product Catalogue:

    1. Enter sub-kit name

    2. Add Products from the Product Catalogue and/or Labour line items to create the sub-kit

    3. Save

  • Add Product adds Products (this includes being able to add existing Kits), from the Product Catalogue and/or Labour line items.

  • Save.

Product Kit Settings for New and Existing Products

Product Kit Settings

Kit description

This is an option description that is displayed on an Order to describe the Kit.

Kit Options

If required, enable:

Use custom kit pricing when adding to order (overrides individual product prices)

  • This means, when enabled, that you can't alter the price of the components when the Kit is added to an Order. You can only add the price of the Kit (see image below; prices for Kit Line Items aren't visible for editting).

I track costs and markups for this kits

  • This allows you to view Cost and Markup information for the Kit, in order to automatically calculate a product price.

Product Category

Select from the existing list of Categories you have.

πŸ—’οΈ Notes:

  • Category names are listed in alphabetical order;

  • if a Category doesn't exist add a new Category.

Display sub-kits on

Select to enable where sub-kits are to be displayed displayed.

Display individual kit items on

Select to enable where the individual kit items are to be displayed.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: items listed on PDFs are enabled in PDF Settings.

Product in this kit section

A portion shows the items and the quantities that have been included in a Product Kit.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: adding a sub-kit will create another portion to separate the Products.

Pricing section

Available when Use custom kit pricing when adding to order and I track costs and markups for this kits are selected under Kit Options to enter custom pricing for the kit.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: Product Kits cost the equal sum of all individual Products.

Editing Products

To edit a Product use Search or the + to expand the Product Category/Products and make edits:

Category/Product name

  1. Click on the name to place cursor.

  2. Make edits, press Enter.


  1. Locate the Product needs pricing edits.

  2. Select Buying/Selling pricing table.

  3. Locate the Product variant or attribute column.

  4. Click on the current price to place cursor, then make the changes.

  5. Save.

Product variants

Add Product variants where products vary in size, weight etc.

  1. Select add product variant.

  2. Enter the details for the new Product variant.

  3. Save

Attribute columns

Add a Product description, or other details including pricing, to Attribute columns.

πŸ’‘ Tip: create your own, or copy a Product Description provided by the manufacturer/supplier to save you time in creating one.

  1. Add or delete attribute columns by selecting the dropdown arrow on the column header.

  2. Show/Hide details of the attribute column on PDFs. Select the V beside the attribute column name, and select which PDFs you'd like the details of the column displayed on.

  3. Change/enter the name of attribute columns by clicking in the column heading.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: toggle between Available Materials listed to enable separate prices and discounts per material. These are enabled under Available Materials.

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