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How do I design a convincing advertisement?
How do I design a convincing advertisement?
Luisa avatar
Written by Luisa
Updated over a week ago

FAIRLING advertisements are the best way for you to reach out to potential customers. To make sure that shop owners fall in love with your products, there are some things you might want to consider when it comes to the design of your advertisement.

In case if you first want to take a look at a best-practice advertisement, click here.


The title is the first thing shop owners will read from your advertisement. It is often decided by the title whether a shop owner continues reading your advertisement text or whether they directly go to the next advertisement that they see in their newsfeed.

Therefore, make sure to work with an interesting title, that also clearly states the benefits of your products. Even if a shop owner has never seen your products before, he or she should instantly understand why your products are a good fit for their store. Here is a list of interesting information that you might want to give in your advertisement titles:

  • Important Product Features (e.g. Handmade, Customizable,...)

  • Product Certificates (e.g. GOTS certified, organic agriculture certification, ...)

  • Special Conditions ( e.g. discounts, high margins, ...)

  • Tips on why your product is a good fit for the current wholesale season (e.g. Christmas Gift)

  • Emotional Advertisement Claims (e.g. "Help us save the World")

  • Awards, Magazine Features, Customer Recommendations, etc.


The advertisement message is your possibility to fully convince shop owners of your product. Make sure to both introduce your brand with it's mission and also clearly state all the advantages your products have. Your advertisement text can be considered as a little sales pitch that you do to the store: After reading it, the shop owner should be so interested in your products that they want to get in touch with you.

Make sure that the layout of the text appears appealing when it is read. Nobody wants to read a long text with repeating information. Use paragraphs, bullet points or capital letters to make sure that the important information sticks out. Also, add a personal touch to the message by using a call to action at the end (e.g. "Please send us an inquiry!").

Finally, please keep in mind that shop owners are B2B customers. Therefore, make sure that you also communicate the benefits that your products will bring to their store (e.g. happy customers, high margins, etc.). A good advertisement text makes a shop owner fall in love with your products on the one side, but also helps him understand the potential value of a cooperation on the other side.


On a digital wholesale platform such as FAIRLING, shop owners will get to know your products through the pictures that you provide. Therefore, it is really important to make sure that you show your products "in the best light".

Only use your best picture content available - and make sure, that your products are clearly visible on the pictures. Also, we often see that lifestyle pictures tend to perform better than simple product shots. This is due to the fact that lifestyle pictures really grab the attention of shop owners because they are more colorful - and also because they directly show your products in use.

You should use the Wholesale Funnel when placing your advertisements. You can find more information on how you can do that successfully here.

You have finished your first advertisement draft and are not sure whether it is convincing? We are happy to give you feedback in your free Onboarding Call!

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